To understand what we mean by ‘Youth Involvement’ To realise that it’s simpler than you think! To take further steps towards achieving Vision 2018
Youth involvement is about asking young people what they think. It’s about giving young people a say in how we run part of the worlds largest voluntary organisation. It’s about making the best use possible of scoutings’ most valuable and widespread resource… its young people!
You may be surprised to learn that… At the World Scout Conference in 2002, the majority of the delegates considered Youth Involvement to be the No.1 strategic priority and… …who famously said “Ask the boy”? (Lord Baden Powell)
The UN (United Nations) agencies describes young people as being between the ages of 10 and 26 inclusively. In Scouting, we class Young People as, all Youth Members from our youngest members in Beavers, right through to our older members in Network.
The UN states: ‘parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child.’ This is enshrined in the international UN convention on the rights of the child: Article 12:1
Under a title ‘A Youth Movement’ in the Autumn 2011 edition of the Scout Impact Report it stated the following: ‘We want more young people to be directly involved in leading scouting’ … it went on to elaborate this aim more…
‘We need to do more to directly involve our 11 to 25 year olds in the movement. One of the main ways we’ll do this is by supporting and training adult volunteers to get young people involved in running scouting locally.’ ‘We want to see a culture of youth involvement across the Movement.’
So what is it that the Scout Association means by… …‘A culture of Youth Involvement’? They want us to include more Young People, in more of our decision making. …“Simples”
Scouting exists to… …actively engage and support young people in their personal development… …empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.
The Scout Association’s vision for 2018 stated… “Scouting in 2018 will be: Shaped by young people in partnership with adults.”
National Level County Level District Level Group Level
‘I don’t have time for youth Involvement’ ‘Young people aren’t interested, they just want to come and have a good time’ ‘Scouts isn’t a classroom!’ ‘It takes a lot of knowledge and organizing’ ‘I’ve been running a successful section for years…’
…but, it’s simpler than you think! Beavers: Asking them what they enjoy/circle time/use games/hands up vote Cubs:Asking them what they enjoy/would like to do. Can use games/activities/hands up vote Scouts:Mini forums/games/activities/elections Explorers:Group forums/activities/elections Network:Members of Network on the District Exec. Elections/group forums
The ‘Cool Wall’ (New Style) A large piece of paper stuck up somewhere in the hall. Throughout the evening young people are asked to write up meetings and activities they have enjoyed over the past scouting month/term. The leader can then go through this with the young people and other leaders. They could also think about a ‘Wall of uncool’.
Five/two minute brainstorm (Old Style) The young people (Cubs/Scouts/Explorers) are spit into small groups. The leader shouts a short, simple discussion topic - e.g. “Our duty to god”. The young people have either two or five minute slots in which to discuss the topic, before the leader announces a different one. This can be music led to make it slightly more exciting/different.
Grill (Gryll) The Leader Scouts/Explorers are split into smaller groups. A number of Scouters unknown to the group are invited in. They rotate around the groups, discussing their role and what they do. This works best if young people know in advance who is coming, and have prepared questions to ask and suggestions or ideas to put forward. Be adventurous… MP?
1. Post it Note Rush 2. Pass the Parcel Discussion Special 3. Scout Leaders Question Time 4. ‘Gryll’ the Leader 5. The Cool Wall 6. The Wall of Uncool 7. The Ladder of Participation 8. What do YOU enjoy – ball game 9. Circle Time 10.Five-minute brainstorm 11. Group Forum 12. A brief Questionnaire
Pass the Parcel: Discussion Special Remember Pass the Parcel? When the music stops… 1. Unwrap 2. Read 3. Discuss 4. Eat
The DY4UM : District Youth Forum
What is a DY4UM? It’s a little bit like a school council, but for Scouts. It’s just bigger, more influential and draws on a wider variety of young people over a larger distance. It meets anywhere in your District, three times a year. It’s there to give young people a voice. It consists of elected representatives from Scouts, Explorers and Network from every Group in your District.
DY4UM Leaders DC
Why introduce a DY4UM in your District?
A good environment to discuss District events, past and present. Help to develop leadership potential in the young people involved. A new and more effective line of communication between young people, their Leaders and District leadership teams. The DY4UM provides: A clear line of communication between: County, District and Group. The perfect place for general discussion and debate on any scouting issue. To opportunity to empower and engage your young people. An excellent way to gather feedback. Good encouragement for inter-group links.
In Cambridgeshire we aim to see EVERY DISTRICT running an active and effective DY4UM by the end of As a team, we are dedicated to and prepared to support you as much as we can, to ensure we all work together to achieve the 2018 Vision goal of becoming a youth led organisation ‘shaped by young people in partnership with adults’.
You now have an understanding of the Youth Involvement Project. You now know that it is actually pretty “simples”. You can now all return to your Groups/Districts and think more about Youth Involvement and the 2018 Vision of scouting. ‘Scouting in 2018 will be: Shaped by young people in partnership with adults.’
Thanks for your time. Now, let’s make Youth Involvement happen.