Back to School Night Grade 3 Tuesday September 17, 2013 Mrs. Maureen Gibson
Please fill out index card Child’s Name Your Concerns Or me and then I can save your address
Mon. Computers Tues. Gym Wed. Music Thurs. Gym Fri. Art Specials Suggested Supplies OLD CLEAN SOCK Please cover all Text books
Nurse/ Bathroom Cough drops will be kept in the classroom; if these are truly necessary please send a note with instructions as to how often your child may need them. Many children do not use them properly ! Too many Trips to Nurse Too many trips to the bathroom Water bottles are welcomed
Celebrations Please send in only one type of treat Only Healthy treats Please see the RV Handbook We are a nut free classroom !
Classroom Come in Lunch order Schedule posted Morning message Sport s map HW board and website Lap tops -- Grant Rug PTO Student Teacher Miss Pellerin Awesome Efforts Library Buckets Tests Most weeks we will have Reading and a Spelling Test on Friday, frequent tests in Math Tests are posted on the website and on board
Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday. Homework is posted on my website everyday Although the HW is posted on the website I do require that the students also copy it into their planners. This organizational skill is important. Some assignments, such as Spelling, may be assigned as independent work. Homework is not graded as correct or incorrect but on completion. Students should read for 20 minutes every night; please sign their planners nightly and return on the 1 st school day of the new month.
Students need a CHAPTER book to read in class during INDENDENT READING ! Anthology Online Text and PB Weekly Parent Letter All genres; fiction and non fiction Encourage Independent Reading in class and at home Reading Logs Program Weekly tests on story Once a unit, COLD Test Practice for NJ ASK Five Finger Rule Book Report Chapter Books/Units Magic Tree House Charlotte’s Web
We will be using the Writers Workshop Model for Writing this year. At the end of the year all writing and notebooks will come home.
Everyday Math Games passwords in planner Multiplication and Division large focus of new Common Core Standards Word Problems Take information out of the “paragraph” and create a chart Be sure to answer the question that is being asked Common Core
NJ ASK May 12,13,14,15 Please avoid family vacations during this time 2 days LAL - Reading and Writing 2 days Math –Short Answers –Open Ended
Please feel free to contact me via , phone, or note:
Thank You I am looking forward to an exciting year ! If you would like to leave a note for your child there is paper on the side table