The Eco-Innovation Action Plan Initiatives related to the EIP on Raw Materials Brussels, 19 April 2013 Paola Migliorini, DG ENV.E4-Eco-innovation
Europe 2020: for a smart, inclusive and sustainable growth Innovation Union & For a Resource-Efficient Europe Eco-innovation = progress towards sustainable development Products, services and processes Eco-innovation Action Plan Stimulate circular economy and flow of resources restore – renewable – minimize toxic chemicals & waste Focus on "valley of death" – bridge from research to market Tackle eco-innovation barriers and enhance drivers Top 3 barriers Uncertainty of demand/return on investment Lack of funds Insufficient access to subsidies Top 3 barriers Uncertainty of demand/return on investment Lack of funds Insufficient access to subsidies Top 3 drivers High or increasing energy prices Current high material prices Secure partners/market share Top 3 drivers High or increasing energy prices Current high material prices Secure partners/market share
Eco-innovation Action Plan Action 1 - Environmental policies and regulations Action 2 - Demonstration and market replication projects Action 3 - Standards and performance targets Action 4 - Access to finance and services for SMEs Action 5 - International cooperation Action 6 - New skills and jobs Action 7 - European Innovation Partnerships Action 1 - Environmental policies and regulations Action 2 - Demonstration and market replication projects Action 3 - Standards and performance targets Action 4 - Access to finance and services for SMEs Action 5 - International cooperation Action 6 - New skills and jobs Action 7 - European Innovation Partnerships Governance and Awareness Member States and Stakeholders Eco-Innovation Forum & Website Eco-Innovation Scoreboard European Business Awards for Environment Financing eco-innovation FP7 and H2020 Competitiveness and Innovation Programme COSME Other EU programmes: LIFE+, Structural Funds
EcoAP and EIP on Raw materials 2014 Year of Waste EcoAP contributions to EIP Strengthen resource efficiency component of the EIP Better policies for waste management - Ecopol Availability of innovative marketable solutions Substitutes, material use, waste prevention, re-use and recycling Out-reach to the eco-innovation community EcoAP benefits from EIP Eco-innovation in industrial and raw material policies Contribution to circular economy model Assess barriers to innovation in waste regulations Enlarge our stakeholder basis
GLASSPLUS - Old TVs can be turned into ceramic with an innovative and practical process to substitute natural feldspar from CRT glass. In an apartment of 70m² you will be walking on 30 old TV sets. Up to now TVs sets have found a new life in tiles! Exporting to Canada and US. SATURN-Recovery of NF metals from pre-concentrates from municipal waste in DE and UK Sensor-based sorting technologies. No comparable solutions in Eu. Recyclable valuable resources are kept in Eu: access to more stable recycled product markets
Institutional websites Policy Funding market replication projects Useful links to initiatives Eco-innovation Action Plan