英美文学 第 4 讲: The Renaissance 主讲教师:任爱红 讲师. 1. 文艺复兴概况; 莎士比亚生平与创作。 内容简介 (p.65-72)


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Presentation transcript:

英美文学 第 4 讲: The Renaissance 主讲教师:任爱红 讲师

1. 文艺复兴概况; 莎士比亚生平与创作。 内容简介 (p.65-72)

重点和难点 1. to understand the historical background of Renaissance 2. humanism

The great intellectual and cultural movement of the revival of interest in classical Greek and Roman learning and culture that occurred in Europe in the 14 th, 15 th, 16 th, and early 17 th centuries, -- a period which saw the transition from the Middle Ages to modern times. The Renaissance:

some important causes rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture new discoveries in geography and astrology religious reformation economic expansion

Renaissance in England new monarchy: Tudor dynasty of Henry Vii the Reformation: Henry VIII English Bible enclosure movement commercial expansion the war with Spain

Characteristics of Renaissance Rediscovery of Classical Literature and Art people from various segments of society studied classical literature and art for pleasure, and their interest in art from the past was soon extended to contemporary works.

Curiosity and Objectivity an interest in the visible world, rather than the abstract speculations and interest in life after death, interest in the morality of human actions rather than abstract discussions of religious issues.

 Individualism  the unique talents and potential of the individual became significant. The concept of personal fame was much more highly developed.

Humanism: the Keynote of Renaissance Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life. man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders. Humanists

English Literature of the Renaissance  Thomas More: Utopia

Edmund Spencer ( ) –The Shepheardes Calender 《牧羊人日志》 –The Faerie Queene 《 仙后 》

Christopher Marlowe (1564–93) English dramatist and poet, probably the greatest English dramatist before Shakespeare Tamburlaine the Great (1587) 帖木耳大帝 Dr. Faustus (1588) 浮士德博士 The Jew of Malta (1589) 马尔他的犹太人

William Shakespeare( )

Shakespeare ’ s works Variety of his works His Works

了解文艺复兴的文学渊源以及英国文艺复兴时期的 文学概况 小结

What are some important causes of Renaissance? What is Humanism? 习题
