Copyrights & Copywrongs Respecting other people’s online creative work
Let’s Talk… How do you think you would you feel if someone used your creative work? Would it make a difference whether they did the following: Asked your permission to use it? Gave you credit as the creator? Changed the picture or added a caption without asking you? How do you think you would you feel if someone used your creative work? Would it make a difference whether they did the following: Asked your permission to use it? Gave you credit as the creator? Changed the picture or added a caption without asking you?
You need a piece of paper. Each person needs to be in charge of knowing one of the following definitions… WRITE IT DOWN. fair use: fair use: the ability to use a small amount of someone’s creative work without permission, but only in certain ways commercial purposes: commercial purposes: a use in connection with a business, usually for profit copyright: a law that protects a creator’s ownership of and control over the work he or she creates, requiring other people to get the creator’s permission before they copy, share, or perform that work Creative Commons Creative Commons : a kind of copyright that makes it easy for people to copy, share, and build on someone’s creative work – as long as they give the creator credit for it public domain: public domain: creative work that’s not protected by copyright and is therefore free for one to use however one wants fair use: fair use: the ability to use a small amount of someone’s creative work without permission, but only in certain ways commercial purposes: commercial purposes: a use in connection with a business, usually for profit copyright: a law that protects a creator’s ownership of and control over the work he or she creates, requiring other people to get the creator’s permission before they copy, share, or perform that work Creative Commons Creative Commons : a kind of copyright that makes it easy for people to copy, share, and build on someone’s creative work – as long as they give the creator credit for it public domain: public domain: creative work that’s not protected by copyright and is therefore free for one to use however one wants
Answer this question on your paper. If you created a picture, poem, or video and posted it online, what do you think you would do? Would you make people get your permission every time they used the work, use a Creative Commons license, or put it in the public domain? Explain your choice. If you created a picture, poem, or video and posted it online, what do you think you would do? Would you make people get your permission every time they used the work, use a Creative Commons license, or put it in the public domain? Explain your choice.
“MAD MEN” Activity
Directions “Mad Men” was a nickname in the 1950’s and 1960’s for the men who worked at advertising agencies in Manhattan (NYC). Most of these successful Ad Agencies were located on Madison Avenue in New York. Therefore, the workers became known as “Mad Men.” The nickname was later used as title for a TV Show set during the time period about the Advertising World. “Mad Men” was a nickname in the 1950’s and 1960’s for the men who worked at advertising agencies in Manhattan (NYC). Most of these successful Ad Agencies were located on Madison Avenue in New York. Therefore, the workers became known as “Mad Men.” The nickname was later used as title for a TV Show set during the time period about the Advertising World.
Your Job… Vegetable Farmers of America has hired us to create print and billboard ads to encourage people to become vegetarians. We have narrowed it down to 5 main images to choose from to feature in the ads. Download the proposal from the Photo Department and choose the best picture for the ad. When you are finished, click to the next slide. Vegetable Farmers of America has hired us to create print and billboard ads to encourage people to become vegetarians. We have narrowed it down to 5 main images to choose from to feature in the ads. Download the proposal from the Photo Department and choose the best picture for the ad. When you are finished, click to the next slide.
Create the Ad (1 Advert. per 2 people) You will use the computer to create an AD that will appear in national magazines. Things to consider: What is your ad’s message? What colors and shapes will you use? What will attract the reader to look at your ad? Audience- Whom are you trying to attract? You will use the computer to create an AD that will appear in national magazines. Things to consider: What is your ad’s message? What colors and shapes will you use? What will attract the reader to look at your ad? Audience- Whom are you trying to attract?