Content Objectives – We will demonstrate analysis of a narrative text by examining the text to summarize, analyze craft, identify message, and make connections. Language Objectives – We will read to evaluate narrative text by using sentence frames and guiding questions. BELLWORK: NONE AGENDA: 1. Get out a piece of paper. 2.Fold the paper in half. Write numbers 1-4 on this paper. 3.Look at examples on the board. 4.Read text and respond to questions.
Narrative Text... Reading Strategy: Close and Critical Reading Bookmarks can be found at: 1. What does it say? -4-6 sentences -Clear and simple summary of the soliloquy that includes the most important details. -The summary is well organized. 2. How does the text say it? -4-6 sentences -Quote examples from the text to show author’s craft/structure (voice, dialogue, figures of speech, imagery, mood, tone) -Identify craft the author uses -Explain how the author uses this craft to get his/her perspective across 3. What does the text mean? -3-4 sentences -interpret the text to show the underlying message -provide support to justify your interpretation (quote) 4. So what? -4-6 sentences -make meaningful connections from what you read to: --the world --other things you have read --your self -Explain why this soliloquy is important nowadays
Content Objectives – We will demonstrate analysis of informational text by examining the text to summarize, analyze craft, identify message, and make connections. Language Objectives – We will read to evaluate informational text by using sentence frames and guiding questions. BELLWORK: NONE AGENDA: 1. Get out a piece 2.Fold the other paper in half. Write numbers 1-4 on this paper. 3.Look at example on the board. 4.Read text and respond to questions.
Informational Text Reading Strategy: Close and Critical Reading Bookmarks can be found at: 1. What does it say? -4-6 sentences -Clear and simple summary of the article that includes the most important details. -The summary is well organized. 2. How does the text say it? -4-6 sentences -Identify the craft ( voice, dialogue, figures of speech, imagery, mood, tone) -Quote examples from the text to show author’s craft/structure -Explain how the author uses this craft to get his perspective across 3. What does the text mean? -3-4 sentences -interpret the text to show the underlying message -what is the author’s perspective towards the topic? -provide support to justify your interpretation (quote) 4. So what? -4-6 sentences -make meaningful connections from what you read to: --the world --other things you have read --your self -Explain why this article is important
When finished… SSR – Get out your book and read silently – I’ll hand you a post to write down: How many pages you read today And a short reflection (I noticed…I’m surprised that…) Vocabulary Words – Definitions and sentences due Monday – Write the word, the definition, and use the word in an original sentence to show your understanding