Trustworthy Yet? An examination of Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing initiative, and what it means to enterprise security practitioners
Our Panelists
KEN TYMINSKI CISO Prudential Financial of America
JOSEPH COOPER, CISSP Chairman & CEO Digital Defense
JONATHAN PERERA Senior Director of Product Management Microsoft’s Security & Technology Unit
Microsoft’s Beginnings
Gates’ Mandate “Trustworthy Computing is computing that is as available, reliable and secure as electricity, water services and telephony.” --Bill Gates, January 17, 2002
Trustworthy Milestones 2002 Retrained 11,000 developers and engineers Revamped MSRC Retrofitted XP (SP1) and Win2K (SP4) Released MBSA Replaced the complier in Win2003 Released Win2003 with services off by default Changed philosophy on shipping products
Trustworthy Milestones 2003 Released SQL Server 2000 SP3 Improved Exchange 2003 & Office 2003 Changed vulnerability announcements Launched ISA 2000 FP1 Released patching tools Acquired AV company, formed alliance
Trustworthy Ambitions Windows XP (beta; due summer ’04) Integrating WUS with Windows, other apps Active defenses, synergistic strategy Substantial more secure OSes & apps: Yukon (SQL), 2005; Longhorn (Windows), 2006
= Trustworthy Ambitions End goal: 2014 or longer
Microsoft is doing enough to improve its software security. Strongly Disagree 40% Somewhat Disagree 30% Strongly Agree 2% Somewhat Agree 18%
Will Trustworthy Computing eventually make a difference?
Redmond’s Assessment “I think we have made a good start in the last two years, and I believe we will have made enormous progress 10 years from now.” STEVE BALLMER CEO, Microsoft
Is Microsoft doing enough to improve the security of its products? Is it on the right track?
Patching Windows Is Best Characterized As: Unavoidable 46% An Overblown Problem 5% Onerous 48%
Microsoft Is Doing Enough To Ease The Patching Problem. Strongly Disagree 28% Somewhat Disagree 33% Strongly Agree 3% Somewhat Agree 20%
Is the Windows patching problem getting better?
Synergistic Security “There’s no one thing that’s going to solve this. Mitigation is part of it.” MIKE NASH Corporate VP, Microsoft SBU
Will Microsoft’s synergistic security strategy lead to better overall security for Windows and its other applications?
What does Microsoft need to do to win and retain the confidence of its enterprise customers?
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