GrocerSmart TM Energy Modeling Software -Revision Status Report- & -Request For Input- July 13, 2010
Agenda Last time Summary of last RTF presentation June Updated analyses –Defrost - Subcommittee feedback incorporated and measure bundle sensitivity evaluated Libraries –Selection methodologies to review Compressors, Condensers, Cases –Key criteria and direction Approved by subcommittee –Lighting – Approved by subcommittee
Last time we met Approved –Lighting data –Key Criteria –Condenser library To be approved today –Libraries –Selection methodologies –Lighting – Approved by subcommittee
Future requests for approval from RTF Request full RTF approval for direction of GrocerSmart 4.0 at August 2010 meeting –Methodology (DOE 2.2r as reasonable live model, template) –Data sets –Phases Return to RTF Q for final request for approval of new version
Task list and future requests of RTF by Phase New GS 4.0 (Phase 1)New GS 4.0 (Phase 2) Savings calculation methodology Live modeling DOE2.2r (Pending subcommittee approval), (RTF approval August 2010) Live modeling DOE2.2r (No future requests of RTF) In template Building envelope, HVAC and efficient scenario refrigeration systems (Pending subcommittee approval), (RTF approval August 2010) Building envelope and HVAC (RTF Phase 2 approval by Q4 2011) Compressors Real world baseline (Pending subcommittee approval) (RTF approval August 2010) Standardized efficient equipment (RTF approved) Real world baseline (No future requests of RTF) Real world efficient equipment (RTF Phase 2 approval by Q4 2011) Refrigerant Real world data (Pending subcommittee approval), (RTF approval August 2010) Real world data (No future requests of RTF) Display cases Real world baseline, standardized efficient equipment (RTF approved) Real world baseline and efficient equipment (RTF Phase 2 approval by Q4 2011) Control strategies and setpoints Real world baseline, standardized efficient equipment (RTF approved) Real world baseline and efficient equipment (RTF Phase 2 approval by Q4 2011) Condensers Real world data (Pending subcommittee approval), (RTF approval August 2010) Real world data (No future requests of RTF)
Summary of immediate project direction Work toward subcommittee recommendation for: –Method Interface drives inputs of key criteria Key criteria drive inputs to live DOE2.2r model Data in libraries and selection/filtering method Model runs vs. fixed efficient scenario –Phased approach for further improvements
Defrost Sensitivity
Recommendation We propose that a standard, market data informed configuration for defrost cycle and length can be assumed for powered defrost, and that this assumption will cause minimal variance in calculated energy savings (typically < 1%). Recommendation is a total of 49 minutes/day, using the number of defrost cycles as appropriate for the case type
Condensers Cases Compressors Lighting
Condenser Library
Condenser Selection
RS Survey showing design multiplier calculation for condensers Air Cooled Condenser average over-size factor = 1.5 Evap Cooled Condenser average over-size factor = 2.1 (This is a small sample of surveyed stores)
Case Library
Cases Selection
Compressor Library
Performance Curves
Compressor Selection
RS Survey showing design multiplier calculation for compressor LT Compressor average over-size factor = 1.2 MT Compressor average over-size factor = 1.1