1 Grid monitoring System (GridICE) Grid monitoring System (GridICE) DataTAG Collaboration: S.Andreozzi, S.Fantinel, A.Ghiselli, G.Tortone, C.Vistoli A.Ghiselli, G.Tortone, C.Vistoli LCG – DataTAG-WP4 Meeting 8 May 2003 Cern
2 Grid-monitoring system First (old) version based on Nagios components In use within INFN-Grid Used in wordgrid demos IST November 02, Copenhagen SC November 02, Baltimore New version: Scalability - integration with GIS systems Common information model extension of the Glue Schemas GridICE is a new product, totally re-designed following modularity guidelines (only few basic Nagios components) Can integrate different info providers reuse of grid middleware components deployed on the DataTAG testbed Deployment on going on the CMS/LCG-0 pilot
3 Collaboration with LCG first meeting organized by Flavia in December The agenda was: Status and plan of the Nagios based monitoring system LCG monitoring requirements the agreement was to collaborate on the new plan of the monitoring system with the aim to produce a ‘real’ monitoring tool for LCG (mailing list datatag-
4 What we present today Description of GridICE and in particular: GUI interface role based: VO manager, site manager… Interface to GIS(discovery), now MDS, tomorrow new systems like RGMA Glue schema extension ‘local’ data collection mechanism Next steps Architectural introduction, S.Andreozzi Implementation description, S.Fantinel Demo on DataTAG testbed configured with EDG 1.4.x/GLUE
5 The requirements of LCG how to organize the integration with LCG-1. The GridICE configuration/deployment on the LCG-1 certification testbed Time table What we have to discuss