VCT Status Report Coordinators’ Meeting Spring 2006
Collaborative Organization TEX. ASSOC. OF COMMUNITY COLLEGES Executive Director Telecommunications Committee General Membership VCT Member Colleges TACC DLAC VCT Coordinators
FY 06 Enrollments: 6,452 as of May 16
Cumulative Enrollments: 36,639 as of August 25
Other FY 06 Accomplishments Overall satisfaction with VCT: 5.57 (6-pt. scale) Website improvements Final Grade Reports Day of Record Rosters Faculty Rosters Host Host Provider Provider Local and state credit course schedules
Other FY 06 Accomplishments Website improvements (cont.) Archived rosters available anytime Sort rosters by showing or excluding withdrawals Improved ing features on class rosters Four grant-funded program development projects for biennium
04-05 Base Year VCT Enrollments and Contact Hours Enroll.Contact Hrs.* Summer 04 2, ,448 Fall 04 2, ,208 Spring 05 3, ,176 TOTAL8, ,832 *Assumes each course was 3 hours credit, 48 contact hours
Current VCT Grants: Collaborative Degree Projects Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) Kilgore*, Paris and Panola Educational Personnel Program (AAS) Dallas* and Tarrant Introduction to Industrial Technology Certificate TSTC-Marshall* and Paris Graphic Communications (AAS) Wharton *Lead college
SACS New Host practices implemented 43 colleges nearing completion of the SACS Abbreviated Compliance Certification Online process Support, collaboration Statewide SACS review scheduled Sep 1 - Oct 27, 2006
Meta Accomplishments Know-how and experience Processes and procedures Collegial working relationships Commitment Collaborative spirit