Certification Spring 2012
Certification Application Packet Certification Packet includes…. 1.Certification application 2.Money order, certified check, or copy of payment transaction 3.Verification of degree form 4.Self-addressed and stamped envelope Due Tuesday, March 27, 2012
1. Certification Application Read over Certification Application Checklist and Certification Guidelines (Intern Handbook) Pick up certification application (TES Office – Wills 207) OR Print information from TES link on COE’s website
2. Payment Options Money order or certified check –made out to ALSDE –write your social security number and address in memo line –$30 for each certification (Elem/Collab $60) Pay online print a copy of payment transaction and include with application ($4 transaction fee)
3. Verification of Degree Document states you have been recommended for certification until you receive your certificate Mailed to student after commencement and after certification has been processed. Keep original and provide copies to school systems for employment
Important Date to Remember Completed application is due Tuesday, March 27, 2012 before 4:30 p.m.
Important Information DO NOT send your application to the ALSDE- this will slow down the process We will obtain your UM transcripts Professionalism- keep up with your documents/papers, test scores, TB test results, fingerprint/background clearance letter, etc. Students who are employed, on SAC, must still apply for certification (for permanent certificate).
Apply Now! You MUST apply within 5 years. Our advice…DON’T WAIT!!
Certification Application I. Personal Data -fill out neatly and completely
Certification Application Continued… II. Record of Education -attach an additional sheet if needed -list all colleges and universities attended
Certification Application Continued… III. Educational Experience -do not include student teaching, substitute, or teacher aide experience -if none, enter the word “NONE” -attach an additional sheet if needed
Certification Application Continued… IV. Record of Last Alabama Teacher’s Certificate(s) Issued -include alternative certificates (examples, SAC, ABC) -if none, enter the word “NONE”
Certification Application Continued… V. Alabama Prospective Teacher Testing Program Number and Name of Praxis II Test and Date Taken Date APTT Taken
Certification Application Continued… VI. Check Yes or No -“Yes” responses require an attached explanation -Sign and date at the bottom
Certification Application Continued… Verification of Degree complete top portion only
Certification Recap Certification Packet includes…. 1.Certification application 2.Money order, certified check, or copy of online paid transaction 3.Verification of degree form 4.Self-addressed and stamped envelope Due Tuesday, March 27, 2012