General Test Taking Guidelines Arrive early so you are not anxious about time. Listen to last minute instructions – your teacher may give you some valuable information. Read directions carefully i.e. Circle all that apply or Answer three out of five essay questions.
General Test Taking Guidelines cont. Follow your own pace. Don’t let the pace of others cause you to become nervous. Leaving essay and sentence completion questions for last (with plenty of time) can be beneficial because you’ll find answers among already completed objective questions.
General Test Taking Guidelines cont. Do not let more difficult questions affect your attitude and steal valuable time. If you are not penalized for wrong answers, guess and move on. Change answers only when you are certain. The answer which comes to mind first is often correct.
Guidelines for Multiple-Choice Tests When unsure, use process of elimination. By eliminating two choices, you increase your probability to 50/50. When given numbers, eliminate the extremes and choose numbers in the mid-range: What is the height of Cascade Mountain? a. 3,000 ftb. 8,000 ft c. 11,000 ftd. 20,000 ft The answer is c!
Guidelines for Multiple-Choice Tests cont. When two very similar answers appear, it is likely that one of them is correct. Watch out for negative words in the instructions: Select the choice that is not correct.
Guidelines for True-False Tests You should usually answer true if: you do not know the answer. There are generally more true questions since teachers want to emphasize the truth. there is a specific detail in the question. Palmer High School was re-named in 1959 after General William Jackson Palmer. there is a qualifier in the question, such as often, many, few, etc…
Guidelines for True-False Tests cont. You should usually answer false if: you know only part of the statement is true. Teachers can easily add a false part to an otherwise true statement. there is a limiting reason given in the question. High school students sleep in only when they are sick. there is an extreme modifier in the question, such as always, no one, absolutely, etc… Palmer High School students never skip class.
Guidelines for Matching Tests Examine both lists to determine the relationship between the items. Read through the entire list before selecting a match. An answer later in the list may be more correct. Cross off items in the 2 nd list when you are sure you have a match. This prevents you from choosing the same answer twice. Do not guess until you’ve completed all the items for which you are confident. If you guess too early, you will likely eliminate a choice you could get right.
Guidelines for Fill-in-the Blank Tests Make the sentence grammatically correct. Look for the article an. Look for indications of singular versus plural. Pay attention to the number of blanks or the length of the space. These are clues! Give a descriptive answer when you cannot think of the exact word. You will likely get some credit since you are showing you understand the content.
Guidelines for Essay Tests Organize your thoughts before you write. Paraphrase the original question in your introductory statement. Write clearly! Include the necessary components: thesis statement, supporting ideas, facts/details/reasons, and a conclusion.