AlwaysMountainTime AlwaysMountainTime, in Partnership with Colorado Preps, Offers your Company an Unprecedented Opportunity! We’ll Turn Colorado’s Avid, Affluent High School Sports Fans Into Your Customers!
AlwaysMountainTime AlwaysMountainTime operates over a dozen radio stations in many of Colorado’s resort communities. The Company also owns Radiate Live Events, as well as AMT Digital Services. On August 21 st AMT launched Think of CSN as an online “Sports Illustrated” offering in-depth content and coverage of Colorado High School sports! (During our first few days of operation we enjoyed 5,000 page visits from 3,000 unique visitors!) The Colorado Preps Network is in its 13th Year. Their website enjoys 2.4 million page views from over 150,000 unique visitors during the school year! Its Friday Night Scoreboard Show, heard on approximately twenty stations throughout the State, is Colorado’s best source for scores, game highlights, and interviews with coaches & players. Colorado Preps also offers a daily two and a half-minute High School Update show called Prep Daily. The feature airs on twenty Colorado stations M-F during prime time. Finally, Colorado Preps will launch a new feature this season called Prep Friday. This six-minute program is designed to air on a station just ahead of its high school play-by-play pre-game coverage!
The AMT Stations
Our Coverage
Radiate Live Events Radiate Live Events has been creating, operating, and producing quality community events in Colorado since We can create a customized promotional strategy for your brand
AMT Digital We’re a digital advertising company specializing in Internet and mobile digital advertising solutions. SEO, PPC Optimization, Keyword Research, Live Chat services, Online Display Advertising, Geo- Targeting Campaigns, Website Design, and so much more!
The New ColoradoSportsNetwork.Com is a multimedia-intensive high school sports website that covers schools in the Denver metro area, as well as Boulder & Fort Collins. Your Brand will enjoy HUGE exposure by combining this new website with Colorado Preps dot com, the AMT radio stations, Radiate Live Events, and AMT Digital!
ColoradoPreps.Com Since 2003, the Colorado Preps Network has provided extensive coverage of high school sports in all classes and all corners of the state. With our website and our weekly and daily radio shows and features, we reach athletes, coaches, athletic directors, parents, grandparents, and all fans of high school sports!
The NFL May Rule Sundays, But Friday Nights It’s All About High School! Nearly one out of every five adults in America (19%) attends a high school game every season! That’s 46 million people! (Only 15% of adults attend a MLB game every year and just 12% attend a college sporting event.) 75% of boys ages 8-17 and 69% of girls that age are involved in team sports!
Avid High School Fans Represent a Very Valuable Consumer Demographic There’s 80 million families in America. They have trillions in spending power! Parents and Grandparents are passionate about high school sports! An overwhelming majority of adults say the WILL support a brand that supports their high school! These sports fans spend, and they spend BIG! They are the types of families that are more likely to buy or lease a new car this year, dine out frequently, and spend more at the grocery store every week! PLUS, they buy school supplies, sports equipment, clothing, and more!
The Avid High School Sports Fan Can Be a Very Valuable Customer For You! High School sports fans are 25% more likely to have an annual household income in excess of $100,000.00! 43% are employed in white collar occupations. They’re 20% more likely to have either a management or professional occupation. The High School sports fan demographic is 51% male, 49% female. They’re 33% more likely to have two or more kids at home. AMT will make these active, affluent families your customers!
Scoreboard Show Excusive Title Sponsor Friday nights on 20 Colorado stations! Ninety-minutes beginning at 9:30PM. Your Brand becomes synonymous with the program! Opening and closing produced sponsorship identification message! A minimum of TEN “name & claim” promotional mentions during the program, identifying you as the title sponsor! Four, 30-second messages inside every show! Banner ads and display ads (including video) on and Investment: $1,000 per week for 14 weeks beginning in September. Your company will be the exclusive title sponsor. There will be two additional co-presenting sponsors.
Be One of Two Category-Exclusive Co-Presenting Sponsors A minimum of FIVE “name & claim” promotional mentions during the program, identifying you as one of the two co-presenters. (“Also brought to you by”….or “Built by” or “Powered by” etc.) Two, 30-second messages inside every show! Banner ads and display ads (including video) on and Investment: $500 per week for 14 weeks beginning in September.
Exclusive Studio “Hotline” Naming Rights During the ninety-minute program we interview 5-10 coaches. They all call in on the “Colorado Preps (Your Brand inserted here) Hotline.” A proven marketing strategy used by, among others, ESPN. (Ever heard of them?) TEN “name & claim” promotional mentions throughout the broadcast (“All callers appear courtesy of the [your brand] Hotline.”) FOUR ADDITIONAL 30-second messages during the program. Banner and Display banners on the two sites! Investment: $1,000 per week for a 14-week period beginning in September.
The Fastest Eight Minutes in Sports! An eight-minute scoreboard wrap up segment at the conclusion of every Scoreboard Show! ALL of the night’s scores and highlights delivered in rapid-fire fashion! PERFECT for any brand that stresses speed! (Fast service, quick delivery, etc.) Opening and closing “name & claim” sponsorship identification announcement during the segment. Four promos during the program (“Be sure to stay tuned for the [your brand] Fastest Eight Minutes in Sports coming up at 10:45, brought to you by….”) TWO 30-second commercials during the feature! Investment: $500 per week for a 14-week period beginning in September.
Additional Branding & Sponsorship Opportunities Thirty-second rate inside the program: $250 (airs on all network stations.) OR let us custom-create a feature for your company. (A “Drive of the Game” feature for your dealership, a “Player of the Night” feature, etc.) All campaigns can be enhanced by using spot campaigns during the week on select AMT stations! PLUS, AMT Digital and Radiate Live Events can develop digital and/or onsite marketing strategies for your brand!
The Scoreboard Show Network Stations KKFN - Denver KCSF - Colorado Springs KSCJ - Pueblo KFKA - Greeley KTMM - Grand Junction KUBC - Montrose KSLV - Monte Vista KEJJ - Gunnison KPKE - Gunnison KLMR - Lamar KWUF - Pagosa Springs KMTS - Glenwood Springs KGLN - Rifle KVRH - Salida KKVM - Vail KRKY - Granby/Grand County KQZR - Steamboat Springs KPMX - Sterling KJBL - Julesburg KSTH - Holyoke KSLV - Monte Vista
Scoreboard Show Local Sponsorship Opportunities on the AMT Stations KKVM in Vail, KRKY in Grand County, and KQZR in Steamboat Springs are part of the Scoreboard Show network. You choose which of these three stations you’d like to participate with. (Select one, or two or even all three!) As a local sponsor of this program on these stations you receive a produced 30-second sponsorship identification announcement twice during the program (“The Scoreboard Show on KQZR in Steamboat Springs is brought to you by [your company] with your “name & claim.”) TWO, 30-second messages during the program. A minimum of ten promotional announcements during the week (“Listen to KKVM this Friday night for the High School Scoreboard show brought to you locally by….”) Rotating banner and display ads on the station site. A complimentary rotating bonus ad on the Colorado Sports Network site! TEN, 30-second commercials during the week to build frequency. Investment: $90 per week for 14-weeks beginning in September. Availability limited!