Facility Update Citizens Capital Budget Advisory Committee February 6, What is Medic? 2.How we use the space 3.Growing pains 4.What it means
1) What is Medic
What is Medic? Management Partners Funding 54% from fees for service 46% from county
4 What is Medic? Medic operates under a performance- based contract with Mecklenburg County to provide Advanced Life Support services (Paramedic level) Medic’s Paramedics complete more than 2,000 hours of training in the Mecklenburg EMS Agency’s onsite Paramedic Academy
5 2) How we use the space
Communications Center Dispatches all Medic calls Delivers protocol-driven instructions over the phone to patients or those helping them until emergency personnel arrive Dispatches 18 volunteer fire and rescue departments countywide
Advanced training The Emergency Medical Education and Simulation Center provides Medic Paramedics and EMT’s the most-advanced and challenging situational and clinical training in America for emergency medical services personnel.
Open Pipeline At least one, sometimes two EMT/Paramedic classes will run continuously for the foreseeable future.
Other grant-funded assets ALERT-1 Med-1 2 ambulance buses
Fleet Services on site Fleet of 58 ambulances plus Operations Supervisors’, other vehicles
11 3) Growing pains
12 A Defining Decade +50% +100% % 0% *U.S. Census Bureau projection ,432* 40% , % 68, % +7% +6% $455 +5% -2% 88, % 68, % Population 621,845 Total Calls 41,023 Transports 30,776 Per transport $429
13 What it means
14 Building at capacity today
15 Parking exhausted today
16 Other factors Facility is not secure Remote lot unsafe for employees Communications Center not hardened
17 Property is landlocked Medic Post 100
18 Assessment Lease expires 2011: Must decide direction now Need operational space, parking to accommodate continued growth Must have secure facility for safety of employees, protection of assets Communications Center must be hardened to withstand weather, other potentially catastrophic events
19 Facility Update Citizens Capital Budget Advisory Committee February 6, What is Medic? 2.How we use the space 3.Growing pains 4.What it means