Analogies Analogy : Fun :: Party : Excitement Label your paper Analogy Notes
A word analogy is a comparison between two pairs of words. It tells us that the relationship between the first set of words is the same as the one between the second set of words. oFIND: LOCATE:: LOSE: MISPLACE o“Find is to locate as lose is to misplace.”
SYNONYM ANALOGIES oDRY : ARID :: FIND: LOCATE oDry is similar in meaning to arid, just as find is similar in meaning to locate.
ANTONYM ANALOGIES oKIND : CRUEL :: FIND : LOSE oA kind action is the opposite of a cruel action, just as to find something is the opposite of to lose it.
CAUSE & EFFECT ANALOGIES oGIFT : JOY :: RAIN : FLOOD oA gift can cause joy, just as a rain can cause a flood.
PART & WHOLE ANALOGIES oCHAPTER : BOOK :: FENDER : AUTOMOBILE oA chapter is a part of a book, just as a fender is a part of an automobile.
CLASSIFICATION ANALOGIES oPOLKA : DANCE :: FROG : AMPHIBIAN oA polka may be classified as a dance, just as a frog may be classified as an amphibian.
CHARACTERISTIC ANALOGIES oPUPPIES : FURRY :: FISH : SLIPPERY oPuppies are furry, just as fish are slippery.
DEGREE ANALOGIES oCHUCKLE : LAUGH :: WHIMPER : CRY oA chuckle is a little laugh, just as a whimper is a little cry.
FUNCTION ANALOGIES oKNIFE : CUT :: PEN : WRITE oThe function of a knife is to cut, just as the function of a pen is to write.
PERFORMER & ACTION ANALOGIES oAUTHOR : WRITE :: CHEF : COOK oYou expect an author to write, just as you expect a chef to cook.
PERFORMER & OBJECT ANALOGIES oCASHIER : CASH :: PLUMBER : PIPE oA cashier works with cash, just as a plumber works with pipes.
ACTION & OBJECT ANALOGIES oBOIL : EGG :: THROW : BALL oYou boil an egg, just as you throw a ball.
LOCATION ANALOGIES oFISH : SEA :: MOOSE : FOREST oA fish can be found in the sea, just as a moose can be found in a forest.