doc.: IEEE /0795r2 Submission July 2014 The China NB contributed a variation on the “usual comment” on IEEE China NB comment on In addition, China NB also has concerns that the ongoing FDIS processes are reducing the quality and reputation of ISO/IEC standards. We will bring our concerns to the attention of ISO/IEC central offices. Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 1
doc.: IEEE /0795r2 Submission July 2014 The SC agreed in May 2014 on a response to the China NB comment on IEEE Response (part 1/3) IEEE 802 thanks the China NB for its comment during the 60 day ballot on IEEE as part of its consideration according to the PSDO agreement In the comment, the China NB objected to IEEE using a security mechanism based on the use of ISO/IEC/IEEE X because the China NB believes its comments in the previous FDIS ballot on ISO/IEC/IEEE X have not been satisfactorily resolved It is up to the China NB to determine whether their comments on previous FDIS ballots have been satisfactorily resolved or not. However, we note IEEE 802 has responded fully to every comment received from all ISO/IEC SC6 and JTC1 NBs during all 60 day and FDIS ballots undertaken as part of the PSDO defined process Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 2
doc.: IEEE /0795r2 Submission July 2014 The SC agreed in May 2014 on a response to the China NB comment on IEEE Response (part 2/3) IEEE 802 does not know of any outstanding issues related to ISO/IEC/IEEE X, and notes that this standard is being successfully implemented globally today in billions of devices. IEEE 802 encourages any users of the standard, including China NB security experts, to provide further details of any issues related to ISO/IEC/IEEE X at any time This can be done by or at a face to face meeting of the IEEE Working Group. The IEEE Working Group meeting schedule is available from the IEEE Working Group Chair (Glenn Parsons, Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 3
doc.: IEEE /0795r2 Submission July 2014 The SC agreed in May 2014 on a response to the China NB comment on IEEE Response (part 3/3) In the comment, the China NB also asserted that the quality and reputation of ISO/IEC standards have been diminished by the use of PSDO defined approval processes No evidence has been provided to justify this assertion, so it is difficult for IEEE 802 to respond in any meaningful way. However, IEEE 802 notes the PSDO agreement between IEEE and ISO has given ISO/IEC JTC1 NBs, as important stakeholders of the widely implemented and used ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802 series of standards, an effective mechanism for both review and approval. IEEE 802 believes the PSDO process has been very effective and encourages all NBs to make greater use of the opportunity to participate in the development and approval of the ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802 series of standards Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 4
doc.: IEEE /0795r2 Submission July 2014 IEEE WG needs to ask SC6 to allocate revision responsibility for IEEE IEEE 802.1/3/11 standards are being liaised to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 for ratification under the PSDO based on an agreement by SC6 that the relevant IEEE 802 WG has responsibility for the revision process The agreement by SC6 is based on the existence of an established mechanism for NBs to contribute to the revision process in the IEEE 802 WG –This process is documented in N15606 The agreement was ratified by resolutions in SC6 in relation to each of IEEE 802.1/3/11 IEEE WG needs to ask for a similar agreement in relation to IEEE Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 5
doc.: IEEE /0795r2 Submission July 2014 A liaison is required to ask SC6 for revision responsibility for Proposed liaison to SC6 (part 1/2) The IEEE Working Group is currently making use of the PSDO agreement between ISO and IEEE to enable ISO/IEC JTC1 NBs to review and ratify IEEE standards as ISO/IEC/IEEE standards The IEEE Working Group is using the same processes as those being used to enable the review and ratification the ISO/IEC/IEEE /3/11 series of standards, including those processes specified in 6N15606 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 has made the use of those processes the basis of resolutions within SC6 to allocate responsibility for the revision process of the ISO/IEC /3/11 series of standards to the relevant IEEE 802 Working Group Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 6
doc.: IEEE /0795r2 Submission July 2014 A liaison is required to ask SC6 for revision responsibility for Proposed liaison to SC6 (part 1/2) The IEEE Working Group requests that SC6 adopts the following similar resolution with respect to the ISO/IEC/IEEE series of standards –As empowered by clause A1.2.1 of the PSDO agreement between ISO and IEEE, SC 6 decides to allocate responsibility for the revision process of the ISO/IEC/IEEE series of standards to the IEEE Working Group while the IEEE Working Group has an ongoing revision process for the IEEE standard. A condition of this resolution is that SC 6 and its NBs have access to an established mechanism to contribute to the revision process in the IEEE Working Group. Note that this proposed resolution is in the same form as Resolutions 6.1.9/10/11 that were approved in September 2012 at the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 plenary meeting in Gratkorn/Graz, Austria Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 7
doc.: IEEE /0795r2 Submission July 2014 The SC will consider a recommendation to the IEEE WG and IEEE 802 EC for a SC6 liaison Motion The IEEE 802 JTC1 SC recommends to the IEEE WG and the IEEE 802 EC that a liaison, based on slides 44-45, be sent to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 asking that they allocate responsibility for the revision process of the ISO/IEC/IEEE series of standards to the IEEE WG Moved Seconded Result Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 8