Core Cluster IM Products & Humanitarian Datasets IMWG Meeting 21 December 2015
Agenda 835k 688k 1)Inter-Agency Standing Committee guidance & resources 2)Cluster 3W and HRT 3W – systems and products, and opportunities for stronger reporting (30 mins) 3)Emergency relief stocks – reporting standards, timing, and products (30 mins) 4)Managing Contact Information – systems and products, and the use of Humanitarian ID (20 mins) 5)Common operational datasets – focus on administrative boundaries and coding, including a demonstration of the P-Coder tool (30 mins) 6)AOB (10 mins)
1) IASC Guidance and Resources 835k 688k Operational guidance on responsibilities of cluster/sector leads and OCHA in information management (HR.Info)HR.Info Common Operational Datasets (CODs) in Disaster Preparedness and Response (HR.Info)HR.Info Humanitarian Data Exchange (link)link Humanitarian ID (link)link
2) Cluster 3W and HRT 3W 835k 688k Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items Food Security & Agriculture Health Nutrition Protection Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Humanitarian Regional Team (Inter-Sector) 3W
The HRT 3W is a top-level summary Collected from regional clusters and OCTs Quarterly (Feb, May, Aug, Nov) Agency, district, sector, Question #1 and #2 –Question #1 : Operational Presence –Question #2 : Operational Capacity Versus cluster 3W: intra-coordination level detail –Agency, district, activity (theme or list), +++ 2) Humanitarian Regional Team 3W
2) Suggested 3W Approach Synchronization of HRT and Cluster 3Ws Productive +++ feedback loops (symbiosis) Common understanding of operational presence and operational capacity Definition of humanitarian projects (HRP, RMF) HRT Cluster HRT 3W Cycle
2) Inter-Sector 3W 835k 688k HRT 3W Products –Inter-active online dashboard (HR.Info)HR.Info –Standard static maps & tables (HR.Info)HR.Info Proposed actions to strengthen the system: –Common register of humanitarian actors –Agreed minimum fields –Feedback loops between cluster & HRT 3Ws –Shared schedule of reporting (open planning) –Minimum standards for products (maps & tables) –All products to be hosted on HR.Info
3) Emergency Relief Stocks 835k 688k Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items Food Security & Agriculture Health Nutrition Protection Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Inter-Sector gap analysis
3) Inter-Sector Gap Analysis 835k 688k Core ICCT product –High-level reporting tool to HCT and donors –Nominal two-month review and update –Simplified messaging of key (indicator) stocks Proposed actions to strengthen the analysis: –Specifications of standardized relief items and packages (made available through HR.Info) –All clusters to review stock categories for 2016 –Online dashboard of emergency stock levels –Research the use of global tools, e.g. GMES –Other suggestions?
4) Managing Contact Information 835k 688k Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items Food Security & Agriculture Health Nutrition Protection Water, Sanitation & Hygiene OCHA’s contact management system
4) OCHA’s Contact Management System 835k 688k Approximately 2,000 contacts from national & regional humanitarian groups & forums Updated based on country wide collaboration (OCHA field) and campaign feedback Master Excel file feeds a Google platform, MailChimp and internal groups Fields: Name, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Organization, Type, Title, Cluster-Sector Type, Cluster-Sector Name, Phone1, Phone2, 1, 2, Location, Coordination Hub (Region), Group Membership, Verified by External List, Source, Last Update Date, Tracking fields [n] Membership Groups: PDMC, HRT, OCT, EPSWG, IMWG, ICCT, ICCT CC, Core HCT, Core HCT CC, CHF, HDG, UNCT, HAD
4) Inter-Sector Contact System 835k 688k Proposed actions: Agreed inter-cluster minimum fields Deployment of Humanitarian.ID for Afghanistan:Humanitarian.ID –New custom groups (or lists) may be protected –Migration of OCHA contacts in January 2016 Other suggestions?
5) Common Operational Datasets 835k 688k Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)HDX –Supports core CKAN 2.3 API and Datastore APICKAN 2.3 API Guidance on humanitarian response (link)link Administrative Boundaries –Afghanistan Geodesy & Cartography Head Office (AGCHO) recognized as the authority (see letters) –Prefix to p-code (adopt in 2016), e.g. AF1304 Village / Settlement Points –New MISTI dataset available –Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) at the University of Georgia to clean and improve
5) Afghanistan P-Coder Tool 835k 688k The P-Coder tool is an add-in to Excel Assigns p-codes using a string matching method Currently configured for AGCHO codes and naming convention Demonstration of PCoder Upgrades to the tool: –Assign old and new (ISO-2 standard) p-codes –Expansion of reference names –Accommodate both English & Farsi matching options –New version to be released in early 2016