CIOS AND ENTERPRISE IT: TACKLING THE TOUGH ISSUES MARCH 15, 2010 Debra Allison, Interim Vice President for Information Technology, Miami University Theresa Rowe, CIO, Oakland University Ron Kraemer, CIO and Vice Provost for Information Technology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Our Sponsor An EDUCAUSE Platinum Partner Scott Boettcher VP, Technology Management Services SunGard Higher Education
Twitter - #HECIO
AGENDA 8:00-8:30 – Welcome 8:30-9:30 – Assessment of the CIO Landscape 9:30-10:00 – Break with a “strategic thought” icebreaker 10:00-10:15 – “Strategic Thought” discussion 10:15-11:15 – Strategies for the “New Normal” 11:15-11:45 – Closing round-table discussions and conclusions 11:45-12:00 – Concluding remarks
What we hope to accomplish Engage in a frank conversation Be provocative Challenge ourselves and each other Emerge hopeful Leave with actionable ideas
Logistics Introduction to clickers Power “ON” Watch voting status A – B – C – D - E Why clickers
About You: What is your role at your institution? A. CIO/CTO/Most senior IT person B. Director/Manager reporting to CIO/CTO C. Director/Manager more than one level below CIO/CTO D. Director/Manager in a school/college or manjor unit E. Other
About You: How many years have you worked in higher education? A. More than 20 years B years C years D. 5-9 years E. Less than 5 years
About your institution: How would you describe your institution? A. Exclusively undergraduate (two-year) B. Exclusively undergraduate (four-year) C. Undergraduate and graduate D. Research institution E. Other
About your institution: What is the undergraduate/graduate enrollment at your institution (all students/Fall 2009)? A. Less than 5,000 B. 5,001-10,000 C. 10,001-15,000 D. 15,001-20,000 E. More than 20,000
About your institution: What is the approximate total annual budget for your institution (Fall 2009)? A. Less than $100 million B. $100 million - $500 million C. $500 million - $1 billion D. More than $1 billion E. I don’t know
About your institution: What best describes your staffing situation this year regarding hiring? A. No effect B. General hiring freeze, no layoffs C. General hiring freeze and layoffs D. Targeted hiring freeze and layoffs
About your institution: What best describes your staffing situation this year regarding furloughs? A. No furloughs B. Faculty and staff are taking 1-5 furlough days C. Faculty and staff are taking 5-10 furlough days D. Faculty and staff are taking furlough days E. Faculty and staff are taking more than 15 furlough days