TENSOR POLARIZED DEUTERON BEAM AT THE NUCLOTRON Yu.K.Pilipenko, V.P.Ershov, V.V.Fimushkin, A.Yu.Isupov, L.V.Kutuzova, V.P.Ladigin, N.M.Piskunov, V.P.Vadeev, T.Vasiliev, L.S.Zolin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna,
Abstract Vector polarized deuterons have been used in the nuclotron early. Tensor polarized run took place at the nuclotron now. The D+ cryogenic source POLARIS was used. Polarization of atomic beam was produced in the source by RF transitions between 2-6 and 3-5 states of hyperfine structure of deuterium atoms. The polarization of the beam was measured by some polarimeters: - at the exit of the 10 MeV linac, - inside the accelerator ring, - after the beam extraction. The high tensor beam polarization value have been registered. It is measured as: + Pzz ~ 0.69 and - Pzz ~0.65. The source design and first results of polarization measurements are presented.
SOME SPIN TECHNOLOGY MILE STONES (atomic beam sources, accelerated beams) 1950–ies Atomic physics. Rarefied gas dynamic. Free jets. Molecular and atomic beam formation ies Main physics ideas of ABS. Stern Gerlach separation. RF transition between atomic levels. First H +, D + sources. I=1-3 A. Low energy accelerated beams. Small scale university spin experiments. Dilution refrigerators, polarized solid targets ies SPIN technology is moved to high energies. Polarized ion source for the ANL accelerator ZGS, I= 4-6 A (DC), ~30 A pulsed. Acceleration of the polarized protons and deuterons BINP, Siberia Snake ideas st SPIN Workshop at ANL. Polarized jet target proposal. Later series: PST Workshops DUBNA, ion source POLARIS, I = 200 A, polarized deuterons at the 10 GeV synchro- phasotron. Prof. Lapidus SPIN Workshop SACLAY, 2.4 GeV polarized beam in the hard focusing machine SATURN 2; MIMAS, high beam intensity – 2*10 11 p/pulse BNL, Cs charge exchange H- ion source, polarized proton beam at AGS, 1 st attack of high energy depolarization resonanzes. PS INSTITUTE, ABS with ESR DC ionizer. TROITSK, INR – ABS with short pulse plasma charge exchange ionizer. INR, TRIUMPH, KEK H - -optical pumping sources, acceleration of polarized beams; spin experiments ies Parade of polarized beams at lepton machines: SLC, HERA, LEP, JLAB; triumph of the e - «self-polarization» ideas.
GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE NUCLOTRON ion source on 360 kV terminal, * 10 MeV/nucl. linear accelerator, low energy polarimeters, * nuclotron ring up to 6 GeV/nucl., internal target polarimeter, * beam extraction, high energy polarimeter, * experimental spectrometrs.
The cryogenic polarized source POLARIS have been developed for the Dubna 10 GeV synchrophasotron, to produce high energy polarized deuteron beam. It is used at the nuclotron now. The source POLARIS consists of : - a pulsed atomic beam stage with SC sextupole magnets for electron spin separation atoms, - nuclear polarization RF cells, - Penning plasma ionizer, - spin precessor for vertical spin orientation.
POLARIZED DEUTERON D+ SOURCE POLARIS The atomic stage has: dissociator, nozzle atomic beam source, superconducting sextupole magnets for atom separation, RF transition cells produce vector and tensor nuclear polarization, The Penning ionizer has: high field SC solenoid, electron and ion optics for ionization of the polarized atomic beam. Spin precessor is used for vertical spin orientation of the beam. Current of polarized beam is: mA, the energy is: about 3 keV. The vector and tensor polarizations are: Pz=+/-0.54; Pzz=+/-0.76.
SOURCE POLARIZATION UNITS H yperfine states of D atoms The source atomic beam stage has two RF transition cells, to produce vector or tensor polarization of the atomic beam. Electron polarized atomic beam is flighed through the cell cavity, where hyperfine level transition takes place. Transitions between 1- 4 or 3-6 levels of produce two sign vector polarization of deuterium atoms. Transitions between 3-5 or 2-6 levels produce tensor polarization of atomic beam +/- Pzz. Chois of RF cell for each pulse is programable.
POLARIMETRY There are some polarimeters to measure polarizations of the high energy beam: - polarimeter behaind a 10 MeV linac is monitoring beam polarization of the source, - internal target polarimeter is measure polarization during acceleration, - polarimeter with polyethylene target can measure left-right asymmetry of the extern. beam, - polarimeter using deuteron inclusive breakup reaction is measure the tensor polarization. HIGH ENERGY VECTOR POLARIMETER Two-arm scintillation counter polarimeter with thin polyethylene target, based on the measurement of the asymmetry in the quasielastic pp-scattering. HIGH ENERGY TENSOR POLARIMETER A tensor polarimeter is based on the yield difference of stripping polarized and unpolarized proton at 0 0 in the deuteron breakup reaction. LOW ENERGY VECTOR AND TENSOR POLARIMETER 3 He, 4 He target polarimeter to measure the vector and tensor polarizations behind the10 MeV linac. 4 He( d,d) 4 He, 3 He( d,p) 4 He reactions are used.
INTERNAL TARGET STATION deuteron d-p elastic scattaring polarimeter Polarization of the beam has been measured at 270 MeV : RF transitions: Pzz : / / Pz : / /-0.026
VECTOR POLARIZED RUN AT THE NUCLOTRON RF TRANSITION: -Pz (1-4) +Pz (3-6) Beam polarization behind the linac: /-0.07 ~85% 0.62+/-0.07 ~94% Internal target measurements: at 3.5 GeV/c / /-0.04 at 5.0 GeV/c / /-0.03 Polarization of the extracted beam: at 3.5 GeV/c / /-0.02 at 5.0 GeV/c / /-0.02 The vector polarization of the deuteron beam is retained during an acceleration and conformed by all polarimeters. As expected, the intensity of the polarized deuteron beam in one turn injection mode is observed as 1.3*10 8 d/pulse. The charge exchange multyturn injection is required.
TENSOR POLARIZED RUN AT THE NUCLOTRON The run has done, using D+ source POLARIS. The beam polarizations have measured: - behind the 10 MeV linac by low energy polarimeter with 3 He target, - internal target polarimeter, - external beam spectrometer. Beam polarization measurements are: + Pzz (2-6) - Pzz (3-5) - behind the linac / / inside the ring at 270 MeV / / after beam extraction at 3.4 GeV/c / / -0.14
MULTYTURN INJECTION Beam intensity depend on a source current and injection time. The nuclotron has a short one-turn injection (only 8 s), factor 50 less then synchrophasotron. To increase the intensity of polarized deuteron beam the multyturn injection of the beam ( turns) is required. D - CHARGE EXCHANGE INJECTION D - INJECTION BEAM ACCELERATION Before the D - beam injection in to the ring, a trajectory bump is produced by elements of an accelerator lattice. The injected D - beam is banded by the lattice, passed through a foil target and stripped in to the positive D + beam. Injected D - ions and circulating D + beam can pass both through the foil target at the same time.