Can (John) Saygin, PhD iAVP Research – Sponsored Project Administration Professor of Mechanical Eng x.5194 PNB 2.116E 1 Office of Sponsored Project Administration Revision: OCTOBER 11, /11/2013
DISCLAIMER 2 This is a “living” document. Based on changes in UTSA, changes in requirements in regards to research, new findings about policies and procedures, changes in other VP offices, etc. this document will be under revision. HOWEVER it is our intention to streamline functions using the most efficient processes to execute and realize VPR’s mission. To avoid confusion, myopic expectations, and all types of discomfort and fear, WE MUST COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY. Things will shift during flight… 10/11/2013
VPR’s MISSION is to… Support UTSA’s research community by: facilitating growth, enabling productivity, and pursuing excellence. 310/11/2013
Interim Executive Assistant Mary Helen Kennedy Interim Executive Assistant Mary Helen Kennedy Director of Research Financial Administration Beth Manning Director of Research Financial Administration Beth Manning Interim Assistant VP for Sponsored Project Administration Can Saygin Interim Assistant VP for Sponsored Project Administration Can Saygin Assistant VP for Research Integrity Michelle Stevenson Assistant VP for Research Integrity Michelle Stevenson Assistant VP for Research Support Bernard Arulanandam Assistant VP for Research Support Bernard Arulanandam AVP & Chief Commercialization Officer Cory Hallam AVP & Chief Commercialization Officer Cory Hallam Interim Vice President for Research C. Mauli Agrawal Interim Vice President for Research C. Mauli Agrawal 4 Office of the Vice President for Research Senior Associate Counsel for Transactions and Research Nora Evans Senior Associate Counsel for Transactions and Research Nora Evans Legal Affairs
5 Office of Sponsored Project Administration Information Systems and Technology (IST) Contracts and Industrial Agreements (CIA) Audits Research Service Centers (RSC) Interim Asst. VP for Sponsored Project Administration Can Saygin Interim Asst. VP for Sponsored Project Administration Can Saygin Post-Award Liaison, Mgr. of Audits Stacy Williams Post-Award Liaison, Mgr. of Audits Stacy Williams Executive Director, Research IT ZhenZhen Sun Executive Director, Research IT ZhenZhen Sun Software System Specialist II Yu Ning Software System Specialist II Yu Ning IT Assistant Victor Smith IT Assistant Victor Smith Admin. Associate II Sylvia Rayko Admin. Associate II Sylvia Rayko Contract Negotiator Mark Gallyoun Contract Negotiator Mark Gallyoun Contract Negotiator Chad Galvez Contract Negotiator Chad Galvez Downtown Education Engineering Institute for Eco Dev Arts, Biz & Honors Sciences Jean Cody [2] Juliet Ray [4] Kirstin Wilsey [5] Mario Medina [4] Jennifer Silver [5] Michael Findeisen[8] [28] people total in RSCs OSPA: 36 people 10/11/2013
A Quick Analysis 6 SWOTObservation STRENGTHPeople WEAKNESSLack of Policies, Processes, & Pace OPPORTUNITYPeopleSoft “Mandate” THREATOperational inconsistencies among RSCs & Research awareness in Colleges 10/11/2013
The Big Picture 8 PoliciesFunctionsProcesses UTSA’s Mission External Regulations (Non-UTSA) (Boundaries) WHAT HOW 10/11/2013
IT Platforms: Future 9 PEOPLESOFT (HR, Financial, Grants,…) CAYUSE SP Routing -Analytics ECRT Time and Effort CLICK Modules - IRB - COI - COC - IACUC - Contracts USER PORTAL (ROLE-BASED FUNCTIONS)
Roles and Responsibilities of RSCs 10 1.Core Functions: Basic services provided by RSCs (Same for all RSCs across UTSA). 2.Joint Functions: Initiated by College/Dept, Reviewed by RSC (Same across UTSA). 3.Customized Functions: Unique functions carried out by the RSC for the College (Varies across UTSA). 10/11/2013
CORE Functions 1110/11/2013
12 CORE Functions Processes 10/11/2013
Shared Functions College/Dept /Center + RSC (Need better coordination) Shared Responsibility: 13 To be initiated by College/Dept, then reviewed (financially) by RSC… 10/11/2013
How? PeopleSoft is Coming!!! 14 Joint Functions Processes 10/11/2013
COLLEGE-SPECIFIC Functions 15 To be developed by this group, then discussed at VPR… “Capacity” must be taken into account… 10/11/2013
DISCLAIMER 16 This is a “living” document. Based on changes in UTSA, changes in requirements in regards to research, new findings about policies and procedures, changes in other VP offices, etc. this document will be under revision. HOWEVER it is our intention to streamline functions using the most efficient processes to execute and realize VPR’s mission. To avoid confusion, myopic expectations, and all types of discomfort and fear, WE MUST COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY. Things will shift during flight… 10/11/2013