Grundtvig Lernpartnerschaft Art: a basic human need Nevarėnai Secondary School - Grundtvig project partner from Lithuania Ankara
Designing school – life together by art and tongue: Pupil- involvement and parents-education as necessities of the 21st cetury. The Nevarenai school discovers so far unexploited resoursces in pupils and parenthood: the school community confidently facing also coming challenges is based on common artistic embellishment of the school as well as on a dialog improving social school-life.
Partner meeting in Tübingen October 2009 Germany
We were talking and planning!
The first meeting for community’s women. Some of them were disabled.
Activities of pupil
In 2009 before Christmas we visited kinder garden called “Hope”, which is taking care of disabled children. We were tolerant and friendly to these children.
We were in psychological children and youth centre We were talking about tolerance for disabled person Discussion was led by psychologist who is physically disabled himself We were learning how to be tolerant and attentive to different person
To create tolerant and friendly community of teachers, pupils and parents, which will be creating the future of school together. To involve disabled people to creation of this community, strengthen their will and motivate them to live an active life.
Thank you!