cloud-access Author: Riccardo Bruno
cloud-access flow web portal A user accesses through any device to a portal requesting access to an interactive application hosted by a Grid/Cloud node. Then a long polling request waits until the resource will be available
cloud-access flow App/Protocol ca_server web portal The web portal informs the ca_server about the requested resource The ca_server maintains a registry containing information about the any requested resource as well as how to access the remote resource once available Registry The long-polling (*) request waits until remote access credentials to VNC, SSH and RDP protocols will be available, quering the ca_server (*) The long-polling consists of an ajax query to the ca_server
cloud-access flow n th resource pool App/Protocol 1 st resource pool ca_server ca_client The pool is made by different interactive applications accessible via: SSH,VNC,RDP web portal Under ca_server, one or more ca_clients are always polling for incoming requests
cloud-access flow i th resource pool App/Protocol: IP, Port,Usr/Pwd/WkG ca_server ca_client web portal The ca_client recognizes it can satisfy the request, then it will allocate the resource and update the registry with the necessary access credentials Other information will be saved such as resource expiration date-time, etc. The instantiating procedure may foresees an I/O sandboxing between user files on the portal and the pool account The ca_client recognizes it can satisfy the request, then it will allocate the resource and update the registry with the necessary access credentials Other information will be saved such as resource expiration date-time, etc. The instantiating procedure may foresees an I/O sandboxing between user files on the portal and the pool account Host: Port: yyyy User: zzzzz Pass: xYef6 …. Host: Port: yyyy User: zzzzz Pass: xYef6 ….
cloud-access flow i th resource pool Global Registry ca_server ca_client web portal The long polling (*) procedure detects the resource availability and configures the Guacamole to access the given credentials. Guacamole will provide an access URL that points to the resource Guacamole’ noauth-XML Access URL (*) The long-polling consists of an ajax query to the ca_server
i th resource pool cloud-access flow Expires at: Global Registry ca_server ca_client web portal Web portal and Pool’ policies regulates the resource availability. Access URL
i th resource pool cloud-access flow Expires at: Global Registry ca_server ca_client web portal ca_server checks for resource validity and updates the registry accordingly ca_client releases expired resources ca_server checks for resource validity and updates the registry accordingly ca_client releases expired resources Access URL
Tech. Details ca_server: Daemon procedure that provides a RESTful API to maintain remote access resource requests. This daemon is targeted by both the cloud access portlet and the caclient which manages the resource pool It is python code requiring: tornado and MySQLdb ca_client Daemon procedure executing on a remote server providing: Dynamic allocation of VNC/RDP/SSG connection pools The script periodically does: check for new access requests applies the site resource policies deallocating expired resource It is a python code which does not require special libraries to run Guacamole Clientless remote desktop gateway; supports standards such as VNC,RDP and SSH. The software is installable as a java web application (WAR) cloud_access-portlet To be installed on the portal will manages the user requests and provides the access URL when available. Portlet 2.0 Java code.
i th resource pool Use cases/examples (1/3) – WRF Global Registry ca_server ca_client web portal WRF community needs a command line interface to manage their simulations ca_client installed on top of a WRF server manages different user accounts. Cloud instantiated WRF servers may be created on- demand or escalated to new cloud nodes when the pool accounts are saturated WRF community needs a command line interface to manage their simulations ca_client installed on top of a WRF server manages different user accounts. Cloud instantiated WRF servers may be created on- demand or escalated to new cloud nodes when the pool accounts are saturated Access URL The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) modeling system is a widely used meso-scale numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both atmospheric research and operational forecasting needs. WRF has a large worldwide community counting more than 20,000 users in 130 countries and it has been specifically designed to be the state-of-the-art atmospheric simulation system being portable and running efficiently on available parallel computing platforms.
i th resource pool Use cases/examples (2/3) – MitoTool Global Registry ca_server ca_client web portal MitoTool stand-alone application is accessibile through an X-window user interface. Access URL MitoTool, provides both a web-based and a stand-alone bioinformatics platform, providing a convenient, user-friendly interface for handling human mtDNA sequence data. It contains multiple modules which cover a wide array of functions.
i th resource pool Use cases/examples (3/3) – Console UIs Global Registry ca_server ca_client web portal Console based UIs are still useful for development environments, to manage PaaS services, Grid user interfaces, etc. Access URL