By Brogan Harman and Bonnie Vincent
It’s nearly Christmas! Everyone loves Christmas especially Billy! So we thought we’d show you Billy’s list! Christmas chocolate hat, 10,000,000,000 galaxy bar, a digger scoop of hubba bubba, strawberry laces 90km, a life-sized gingerbread house (including furniture), a toffee apple (as big as an exercise ball), a barrel of 100’s and 1000’s, a bouncy castle made of sponge cake, a giant flying saucer, a train mad of chocolate where the passengers gummy bears and Lindt bunnies, an all kinds of chocolate high heel for Active Amy, and some healthy things: Rhubarb sweets, carrot cake, fruit cake, toffee apple, banoffee pie and fruit tots!!
Please check out all the powerpoints!! There are so many games and tips and recipes to make your weekends and spare times enjoyable! Go on Fat Billy’s easter hunt because it’s so fun puzzling with FB and his pals!
Pictures of pals!! Red Ruby Active Amy Chatty Charlie Dotty Daphny
Please keep visiting!! There are so many things to do like the power points, the newsletter, games and lots more! The end