How do you share 15 doughnut holes with 3 kids? doughnut holes
In this lesson, you will learn how to divide by using a sharing model.
Let’s Review To share something means to split it equally amongst a set of groups.
A Common Mistake Not drawing and counting carefully when using the sharing model.
Let’s Review Core Lesson We have 12 chocolates and 4 kids. How many do they each get so everyone gets an equal amount?
Let’s Review Core Lesson 12 chocolates, 4 kids, 3 each!
Let’s Review Core Lesson dividend 12 ÷ 4 = 3 divisorquotient
Let’s Review Core Lesson How do you share 15 doughnut holes with 3 kids equally? 15 doughnut holes, 3 kids, 5 each!
Let’s Review Core Lesson 15 ÷ 3 = 5 dividenddivisorquotient
In this lesson, you have learned how to divide by using a sharing model.
Let’s Review Guided Practice How can you share 32 chocolate chip cookies with 8 kids? Draw a picture using the sharing model to show equal shares. Label the dividend, divisor and quotient.
Let’s Review Guided Practice
Let’s Review Extension Activities Read the stories that follow. For each story, use manipulatives such as unifix cubes, counters, tiles or a tool of your choice to model the sharing model. Draw a picture to match. Write an equation (number sentence). Label the dividend, divisor and quotient.
Let’s Review Extension Activities 27 students need to form 9 teams for a cooking contest. How many students will be on each team? You and 4 friends collected 35 shells at the beach. When you share them equally how many shells will each person get?
Let’s Review Extension Activities You and your scout troop are entering the bubble blowing contest. There are 6 kids in your scout troop. Your leader bought 3 dozen bubble gum balls. How many gum balls will you each get?
Let’s Review Quick Quiz There are 18 slices of pizza and 6 hungry students. How many pieces can each child have? Find the quotient using the sharing model.
Let’s Review Quick Quiz 2) Seven girls decorated 21 cookies. If they share them all equally how many will each get? Find the quotient using the sharing model.