2016-1-3Presentation-White Day1. 2016-1-3Presentation-White Day2.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation-White Day1

Presentation-White Day2

Presentation-White Day3 In recent years, The trend of " White Day " has begun blowing in the mainland of China, becoming another festival of lovers, Handmade cookies become a " white day " gift from female to male 近年来, “ 白色情人节 ” 的风也开始向中国内地吹来,成为了 情侣间必过的另一个节日,纯手工曲奇便成为了 “ 白色情人节 ” 女生给男生必送的礼物之一

Presentation-White Day4 For White Day, cookies, candies or white chocolates are common gifts. There is a superstition among some young people that if someone gives you cookies, that means "I love you;" candies mean "I like you," and white chocolate means "Let's be friends." Other gifts usually given along with food are jewelry, handbags, shoes, wallets, scarves,and stuffed animals. (毛绒玩具)

Presentation-White Day5 Thank you~!