MA Action Plan Presentation May 17, 2007 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Massachusetts
2 Introductions Team members 1. Cora Beth Abel –Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair, Inc. (MSSEF) –Executive Director 2. David McCauley –Massachusetts Board of Higher Education –Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development and Director, STEM Pipeline Fund 3. Jake Foster –Massachusetts Department of Education –Director, Science and Technology/Engineering 4. Sandra Mayrand –Director, Regional Science Resource Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School, and Chair, Mass. Middle School Science & Engineering Fair 5. William Rigney –Marlborough Public Schools –Science Coordinator, grades Rob Richardson –Intel East Coast Education Manager
3 Goal #1: Run and Expand Existing Ed Academy- spawned Course from 2005: Blueprints for Science Offer Course – 3 rd year Fully enrolled w/ waitlist Blueprints Faculty Team (BFT) Jun-07 Expand into 2 nd region Enrollee(s) from 2 nd region BFT & U-Mass Lowell STEM Network Jun-07 Pilot a teacher- leader (TL) program 1-2 TLs get follow- up training to adapt Blueprints in their region U-Mass Lowell STEM Network, MSSEF and EDC BFT trains new faculty Training completed BFT & BHE Objective Metric Who When
4 Goal #2: Revise Blueprints for Broader Dissemination as part of Curious Minds Initiative (CMI) Objective Metric Who When Infuse course with latest IBL research; adapt materials & content as model for CMI IBL expert makes recommendations that are vetted and incorporated by BFT IBL expert, Blueprints Faculty Team, MSSEF Mar-08
5 Goal #3: Develop CMI support and outreach system Objectives Metric Who When Convene regional science fair boards 1-2 meetings of regional MSSEF Fair directors MSSEF Identify organizations that support teachers/students to work on science fair projects Develop and disseminate a list of existing organizations. MSSEF Fundraising for CMSubmit 3-5 proposals MSSEFOngoing
6 Goal #4: Articulate teacher outcomes for IBL PD Objectives Metric Who When Articulate elements and teacher outcomes for IBL in PD Consensus on IBL in PD definition as guideline for other courses DOE, BHE, MSSEF Engage all stakeholders, including industry advocates, and convey need for IBL in PD at meetings and events Raised visibility for IBL at networking meetings and PD events DOE, BHE, MSSEF Ongoing from 2008
7 Goal #5: Integrate IBL into existing and new PD programs Objectives Metric Who When Embed IBL teacher outcomes into state- sponsored In- Service PD courses IBL teacher outcomes in DOE PD Institute and STEM Pipeline Network course(s) DOE, BHE 2009 Explore potential for IBL-focused Pre- Service Course offerings Meetings and responses from Higher Education Institutions to offer IBL-focused courses BHE, MSSEF, DOE Ongoing from 2007
8 Goal #6: Long Range Vision/Goals Objectives Metric Who When Work to include IBL expectations in state revision of Licensure Requirements Engage in licensure revision process DOE, BHE Explore development of Regional Resource Centers to support teachers/students to work on science fair projects Explore collaborations with MOS, City Lab, STEM Networks, UMass, Industry, museums, universitiesMSSEF
9 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Key Learning & Value Better sense of how IBL could and should be integrated into PD system, and its relation to science fairs. Successes and challenges are similar in other regions/countries. Time together as a team Opening Ceremony & address by Intel Chair Craig Barrett Meeting and learning from other attendees Intel’s commitment communicates respect for education and teachers. THANK YOU!
10 Optional Pictures Slide