Welcome to Foundations General Facts – Level 4 Grade Attendance Cheating
The word “FOUNDATIONS” At HCT the Foundations year gives you the basics so you can build on them in later years. It gives you the skills needed for future studies in Bachelor courses.
FOUNDATIONS – LEVEL 4 1 Subject: English (FND 4016) 15 periods per week 180 periods
LEVEL 4 FOUNDATIONS How long? 12 weeks in class this semester Weeks 1 – 6 Spring Break Weeks 7 – 15 IELTS 21 June
English Grade (Result) There is only one grade for the complete semester. This grade comes from your work in semester 2 and the final examination - IELTS
FND 4016 Weekly Reading Tests every Wednesday Vocab and Spelling quizzes IELTS Listening tests every 2 weeks Count toward coursework
PROGRESS TESTS Test of ability in listening, reading and writing In the Auditorium Part of coursework grade
SPEAKING TESTS Speaking Test 1: Week 7 Speaking Test 2: Week 14 Part of coursework grade
Final Grade 60%= pass in all HCT courses A+ = 95 – 100% A = 90 – 94% A- = 85 – 89% B+ = 80 – 84% B = 75 – 79% C+ = 70 – 74% C = 65 – 69% D = 60 – 64% F = 0 – 59%
Attendance Teachers must record all the times you are late or absent. Each class absent = one absence. Each class late = one late. 3 classes late = one absence. Present = preparing for passing IELTS
Attendance Miss 5% of the total number of lessons = Warning letter. Miss 10% of the total number of lessons = Final Warning. Miss 10% + you may be dismissed.
Attendance You can check your attendance record on the HCT Portal through HCT Mobile.
Cheating Cheating = using books or notes and all other forbidden material in examinations Cheating = asking another student for assistance or giving another student help in an examination. Cheating = saying another person’s work or words are yours without acknowledgement.
Being ready for class You must bring your iPad to every lesson. Bring a notebook and something to write with. Headphones and bag
Problems If you have problems with English, Studying or Attendance, talk to me BEFORE the problem gets serious.
Who is the Foundations supervisor? Joan Anderson
Good Luck! Have a great year!