Initial Option Ideas Review of the Strategic Partnership December 2012
This is a work in progress
Connected Partners Working together with city partners to deliver co-ordinated services together Connecting Salford: Whose city vision is it? “to develop a family of partnerships, led by a central City Partnership that is driven by energetic and engaged communities of motivated citizens, linked into neighbourhood representatives and guided by a co-operative approach”
Phase 1 Responses
Functions Providing a joined up approach and be representative Own a vision, plan and strategy Tackle issues and have priorities Have clear leadership and accountability Oversee Performance Include commissioning and resourcing Ensure all are engaged and communicated with
Overall response
Options 1.No change 2.Existing Partnership takes the Lead 3.New ‘City Partnership’
Option 1: No Change Partnership Forum Salford Place Board Partnership Executive Health & Wellbeing Board Community Safety Partnership Children & Young People ’ s Trust Think Skills & Work Think City Neighbourhood Arrangements Adult Safeguarding Board Strategic Housing Partnership Safeguarding Children Board
Option 2: Existing Partnership takes the Lead Eg, Health and Wellbeing Board Strengths: Bodies are already in existence. Reduces the number of meetings and some duplication. Legal entities with some statutory reporting duties already in place. Weaknesses: Over burden the partnership with issues outside their remit. Membership will need to be reviewed to ensure there is a city wide perspective. Community and business sector engagement will need to be improved. Could result in overly complex arrangements, this is a national concern for the evolving Health and Wellbeing Boards.
Option 3: City Partnership Principles Builds on good practice Construct to assist the City Mayor Space for partners to come together Focuses on the City Plan, vision and priorities Better coordination and reduced fragmentation Reduces duplication and costs Improves community engagement and involvement Action led Performance management against agreed outcomes Platform for better Private Sector involvement Links with Greater Manchester and beyond
City Plan Priorities Forum Communities 3 rd Sector CYPT SSCB SASB HWB CSP SSHP S&WB EDP SLP City Mayor’s Partner Group FoP Leads Group Coordination model
FoP AGMA / GMCA GM Councillors & Mayoral Team Council Governing Bodies Partners City Partnership Connected City
Public Sector response
Performance Model City Partnership Driving improvement progress Informing systems HWB CYPT CSP Business & Inward Invest. SSCB SASB Engage Comms.
What Next? 1.Recommend that the Executive agree that the development of a new ‘City Partnership’ is the best way forward 2a.Agree the ‘coordination’ model is further developed and shared with the wider Forum OR 2b.Further options are explored with key representatives from the different groups and a revised model is brought back to the Executive in March for final ratification