Local Governments Types of Local Governments Chapter 30 Section 1
Local Governments at Work Services Police protection Garbage collection Water & sewer services Education Fire protection 3 types of local government City County Special districts
Two Kinds of City Governments General-Law City –Population of less than 5,000 –Function under general laws of Texas –Provide basic services (police, fire, water, & sewer) Home-Rule City –Has the freedom to govern unless prohibited by state or federal laws –Increase tax base through annexation of nearby land
Organizations of City Governments Mayor-Council –Gives mayor executive authority –Strong-mayor city – mayor responsible for day- to-day operation, hiring/firing department heads, vetoing city council actions (i.e., Houston and El Paso) –Weak-mayor city – mayor shares administrative duties with the city council
Organizations of City Governments Council-Manager –Generally home-rule –Mayor has less power – presiding over council meetings and having only one vote –Dallas and San Antonio –Hire a professional city manager to handle day- to-day affairs and prepare the city budget
Organizations of City Governments Commission –Voters elect commissioners to operate the government –Serve as city council – but each member is head of a department –Mayor has little power – presides over meetings and acts as spokesperson –Least common form of government in Texas –Galveston and Sweetwater
City Governments Need Funds Property tax – most important; paid by owners of homes, land, and businesses –Financial worth of property determined by tax assessors Sales tax Fees for services (garbage collection) Building permits Fines for traffic violations Spend $ –Fire and police departments, Jail maintenance, Parks, Streets, Sanitation, Animal shelters, Recycling, Museums, Bridges, Libraries, and Airports Issue bonds – certificates that guarantee payment plus interest
County Government Commissioners Court –Responsible for determining county budget –Setting property-tax –Deciding how tax monies are spent –Do not conduct trials –Make policies and direct county business Texas divided into 4 precincts that elect one commissioner Serve four-year terms Headed by the county judge See page 659
County Commissioner Ed Chance Precinct 3
County Officials Commissioner – make policies and direct county business County Judge – head of commissioner court, judge of the county Sheriff – county’s chief law-enforcement officer County Attorney – legal advisor; represents county in criminal cases County Clerk – maintains records of county courts District Clerk – keeps records of state district courts Treasurer – county banker Tax Assessor – collects property taxes Justice of the Peace – hears minor criminal/civil cases Constable – serves official papers issued by courts
Montgomery County Officials Judge Adam Sadler
Financing County Governments Property taxes –Real estate (buildings and lands) –Personal automobiles and airplanes Bonds – pay for long-term projects Fees for permits Fuel tax Fee for vehicle registration
Special Districts Created to meet a specific need –School districts –Rapid transit authorities –Municipal utility districts –River authorities School districts the most common type (get $ from federal, state, and local funds) –Hire teachers –Set salaries –Provide transportation to and from school –Make school policies –Maintain school buildings
Local Governments Participating in Government Chapter 30 Section 2
Democratic Principles Citizens should govern themselves Right and duty to supports democratic government 3 important beliefs –Needs and opinions of citizens are important –Citizens have different needs, values, and experiences –Citizens should participate in government
Individual Participation Learn about government –TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, talking to people Voting qualifications –18 years of age –U.S. citizen –Read and write –Register 30 days prior to election –Resident of county Volunteer –City cleanup campaigns –Read to children at libraries –Answer phones at crisis hot lines
Running for Political Office Any Texans who wants to serve as an elected official must campaign to win voter supports Some receive salaries, but others donate their time
Political Parties in Texas Primary elections – candidates from same party compete against each other General elections – 1 st Tuesday after 1 st Monday in November in even-numbered years Special elections – fill vacancies in legislature, city councils or school boards; approve bonds Local elections – elect city council members, mayor, school board members – usually nonpartisan (candidates not with any particular political party)
Political Parties in Texas Political party functions –Nominate people to run for public office –Encourage volunteers to campaign –Conduct voter registration drives –Watchdogs – keep track of the other parties Democratic Party – use to dominant Texas Republican Party – won the last few elections
Special Interest Groups Organizations of people who share a common interest and seek to exert influence over a particular aspect of government Racial and ethnic groups promote political, economic, and social equality Texas League of Women’s Voters Sierra Club – maintain clean air and water L.U.L.A.C. – Hispanic civil rights N.A.A.C.P. – African American civil rights
Directly Influencing Government Elect officials that agree with own views Purchase advertisement on radio, TV, and newspaper Hold public events to share their views and opinions Lobbying – persuade government leaders to favor certain causes