Meier F., Braun M., Ried J., Dabrock P., (2015): [Healthy or ill? Patients between technologies of the self and blurred identities] Dabrock P, Braun M, Ried J, Schmutzler R (2015): From Chance to Bet Choice? A Primer to Ethical and Societal Issues in Systems Medicine Stefan Huster [The Genetic Diagnosis as Impuls for Innovations and Regulation of the public Heath Care System] Stefan Huster [The Meaning of term ‚disease‘ for the Health Insurance Law] Stefan Huster, Anke Harney [Discussion of the Judgment of the Administrative Court Darmstadt, Judgment 5/13/2015, AZ.: 1 K 491/13.DA] Schmutzler R., Wasem J., Huster S., Dabrock P.: [Challenges and Chances of stratified Prevention], Dtsch Artzbl 2015; 112 (20), A Schmutzler R., Huster S.: [Legal Aspects of current Developments in Genetic Cancer Diagnosis] MedR (2015) 33, 248–251. Several Activities such as Interviews in the Media and Participation in Public Panel Discussions Timeline Kick-off Event Q4/2014Q1/2015Q2/2015Q3/2015Q4/2015Q1/2016Q2/2016Q3/2016Q4/2016Q1/2017Q2/2017Q3/2017 Scenario Workshop First Common Paper (see below) Publications and Activities Forthcoming Publications Contact Coordination: Friedhelm Meier (Research Assistant) Department of Systematic Theology (Ethics) FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg Kochstrasse 6 D Erlangen Mail: Midterm Meeting Fourth WorkshopFifth Workshop Final Meeting Second Common Paper Governance Recommendations Second Workshop Scenario Workshop Semi-Structured Interviews Model of Risk Communication Developing a Regulation Model Calculation of Budget Impacts Identified the relevant ethical and social issues of systems medicine Analysed and extended the ‘healthy ill’ model and its impact on the BRCA 1/2 case Explored, how systems medicine influences perceptions and concepts of health and illness Developed a mapping model of risk calculation and the appropriated preventive measures Findings and Prospects Psycho-social and Medical Sub-Project Legal Sub-Project Ethical Sub-Project Sub-Project Health Economics Developing a matrix for assessing normative challenges of systems medicine in general and BRCA 1/2 in particular Identified concepts and crucial factors of the remaining unexplained heritability of breast and ovarian cancer Generated evidence-based data for appropriate risk communication and perception Explored the influence of psychosocial factors and anxiety levels on decision making of BRCA 1/2 mutation carriers in preventive counselling The current German law is not applicable to tests concerning somatic genetic modifications Analysed legal positions dealing with the tumor tissue of deceased index patients Investigated legal aspects related to the reimbursement of genetic diagnostic by NGS and preventive mastectomy in the case of mutated BRCA1/2 Developed model structures according to screening and treatment strategies of BRCA 1/2 carriers Integrated results from systematic literature searches into the model Performing a budget impact analysis to calculate the economic consequences for the budget of the statutory health insurance Optimising risk communication to provide a structured psychosocial screening Analysing the impact of systems medicine for public health care and recommending amendments concerning the current legal situation Identifying the budgetary consequences in the public health care system Findings Prospects Findings Prospects Findings Developing common evaluation criteria Investigating implications for health care Discussing consequences for ‘health’ and ‘disease’ Performing empirical studies Developing benchmarks for a governance perspective Developing a structured concept for medical and psycho-oncological counselling Developing benchmarks for a governance perspective Developing a structured concept for medical and psycho-oncological counselling Established and maintaining a combined research and studies platform integrating stakeholders (breast cancer support groups, health insurances, health policy) Coordination Third Workshop Re-Configuration of Health and Disease. Ethical, Psycho-Social, Legal and Health Economic Challenges of Systems Medicine You can find further information on the QR code on