1 Inventory Control with Time-Varying Demand
2 Week 1Introduction to Production Planning and Inventory Control Week 2Inventory Control – Deterministic Demand Week 3Inventory Control – Stochastic Demand Week 4Inventory Control – Stochastic Demand Week 5Inventory Control – Stochastic Demand Week 6Inventory Control – Time Varying Demand Week 7Inventory Control – Multiple Echelons Lecture Topics
3 Week 8Production Planning and Scheduling Week 9Production Planning and Scheduling Week 10Managing Manufacturing Operations Week 11Managing Manufacturing Operations Week 12 Managing Manufacturing Operations Week 13Demand Forecasting Week 14Demand Forecasting Week 15Project Presentations Lecture Topics (Continued…)
4 Demand varies from period to period The demand for each period is exactly known Costs may vary from period to period Capacity may vary from period to period Characteristics
5 Big time-bucket models Items produced/ordered in a period can be used to satisfy the demand for that period Small time-bucket models Production/supply leadtimes can take multiple periods Big versus Small Buckets
6 The Lot Sizing Model
7 Assumptions for the Basic Model Demand varies from period to period but is exactly known for each period. Demand in each period must be satisfied during the same period (backordering is not allowed). There are no limits on how much can be produced or ordered. Items produced/ordered in a period are available to satisfy demand during the same period (big bucket model). Setup/ordering, production/purchasing, and inventory holding costs can vary period to period.
8 Objective Determine the optimal order quantity ( lot size ) in each period so that the demand in each period is met while the sum of ordering, purchasing, and inventory holding costs are minimized.
9 Notation t : a period (e.g., day, week, month); t = 1, …, T, where T represents the planning horizon D t : demand in period t (number of units) c t : unit purchasing/production cost A t : ordering/setup cost associated with placing an order (or initiating production) in period t h t : cost of holding one unit of inventory from period t to period t +1 Q t : the size of the order (or lot size ) in period t ; a decision variable
10 Example
11 The Lot for Lot Solution
12 The Fixed Order Quantity Solution
13 The Fixed Order Period Solution
14 A Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) Formulation
15 Solution Approach Solve as a standard MILP (using for example a branch and bound algorithm); several commercial MILP solver software tools are available Develop a customized solution that takes advantage of structural properties specific to the problem (e.g., the Wagner-Whitin algorithm)
16 Property 1 Under an optimal lot-sizing policy either the inventory carried to period t+1 from the previous period will be zero or the production quantity in period t+1 will be zero.
17 The Basic Idea of the Wagner- Whitin Algorithm Using property 1, either Q t = 0 or Q t =D t +…+D k for some k. If j k * = t = last period of production (or ordering) in a k period problem, then we will produce (or order) exactly D t + D t+ 1 …D k in period j k *. We can then consider periods 1, …, j k * - 1 as if they are an independent j k * -1 period problem.
18 The Basic Idea of the Wagner- Whitin Algorithm (Continued…) Construct an algorithm where the decision is whether or not to order in a given period. If we order, then the order quantity should be just enough to cover demand until the next period in which we order. Solve a series of smaller sub-problems (a one period problem, a two period, …., N period problem), where the solution to each sub-problem is used in solving the next subproblem.
19 Example
20 Example Step 1: Obviously, just satisfy D 1 (note we are neglecting production cost, since it is fixed). Step 2: Two choices, either j 2 * = 1 or j 2 * = 2.
21 Example (Continued…) Step3: Three choices, j 3 * = 1, 2, 3.
22 Example (Continued…) Step 4: Four choices, j 4 * = 1, 2, 3, 4.
23 Property 2 If j k * =t, then the last period in which ordering/production occurs in an optimal k+1 period policy must be in the set t, t+ 1,…k+ .
24 Property 2 (Continued…) In the Example: We order in period 4 for period 4 of a 4 period problem. We would never order in period 3 for period 5 in a 5 period problem.
25 Example (Continued…) Step 5: Only two choices, j 5 * = 4, 5. Step 6: Three choices, j 6 * = 4, 5, 6. And so on.
26 Example Solution
27 Example Solution (Continued…) Optimal Policy: Order in period 8 for 8, 9, 10 ( = 90 units) Order in period 4 for 4, 5, 6, 7 ( = 130 units) Order in period 1 for 1, 2, 3 ( = 80 units) Note: we order in 7 for an 8 period problem, but this never comes into play in optimal solution.
28 A Network Representation The lot sizing problem can be represented as a network, where each node t represents a period and an arc from node t’ to node t represents the fact that we order (or produce) in both periods t’ and t but not in periods in between.
The Network Node 6 is a pseudo node representing the “end” of the problem.
Example Path Interpretation: Order (or produce) in periods 1, 3, and 4 so that Q 1 = D 1 + D 2 ; Q 2 = 0; Q 3 = D 3 ; Q 4 = D 4 + D 5 ; and Q 5 = 0.
31 Arc Costs The cost c t’,t of reaching node t from t ’ is the cost of ordering in t ’ but not in t ’+1, t ’+2, …, t -1:
32 Key Insight Finding the minimum cost solution is equivalent to finding the least costly path (shortest path) in the network to go from node 1 to node T +1, where T is number of periods.
33 A Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Find the Least Costly Path Step 1: t = 1, z t * = 0 Step 2: t = t +1. If t > T +1, stop. Otherwise go to step 3. Step 3: For all t’ = 1, 2, …, t - 1, Step 4: Compute
34 Step 5: Compute (that is, choose the period t’ that minimizes ) Step 6: Go to to step 2. The optimal cost is given by The optimal set of periods in which ordering/production takes place can be obtained by backtracking from
Example (Continued…)
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44 Example tD t A t c t h t
45 Example z 1 *= 0 c 1,2 = = 60 z 2 *= z 1 *+ c 1,2 = 0+60=60 p 2 *= 1 c 1,3 = = 66 c 2,3 = = 44 z 3 * = min ( z 1 *+ c 1,3, z 2 *+ c 2,3 ) = min (66, 104) = 66 p 3 *= 1
46 Example c 1,4 = 114, c 2,4 = 80, c 3,4 = 64 z 4 * = min ( z 1 *+ c 1,4, z 2 *+ c 2,4, z 3 *+ c 3,4 ) = min (114, 140, 130) = 114 p 4 *= 1 c 1,5 = 134, c 2,5 = 96, c 3,4 = 76, c 4,5 = 48, z 5 * = min (134, 156, 142, 162) = 134 p 5 *= 1 c 1,6 = 218, c 2,6 = 166, c 3,6 = 132, c 4,6 = 86, c 5,6 = 68 z 6 * = min (218, 226, 198, 200, 202) = 198 p 6 *= 3
47 Instead of solving the problem optimally, we could use a heuristic (a rule) that leads to reasonably good solutions but not necessarily optimal. The advantage of heuristics is ease of implementation and lower computational effort to reach a solution. Heuristics
48 Choose a fixed order quantity and order in multiples of this order quantity. Order again when demand in a period cannot be met from available inventory. Choose a fixed order period P. Then, every P periods order all the demand for the next P periods. Use a greedy heuristic such as the Silver-Meal heuristic. Example Heuristics
49 The Silver-Meal Heuristic Starting with a period t, order for the next k periods if the resulting average cost per period z t,t+k is smaller than the average cost per period if we ordered only for the next ( k -1) periods.
50 The Silver-Meal Algorithm Step 1: Set t = 1 Step 2: Step 3: t ’= t +1 Step 4: If t’ > T, go to step 7. Otherwise go to step 5 Step 5:
51 Step 6: If z t,t’ z t,t’ -1, set t’ = t’ +1 and go to step 4. Otherwise go to step 7. Step 7: Set Q t = D t + D t+1 + … + D t’ -1 Step 8: Set t=t’. Step 9: If t > T, stop. Otherwise, go to step 2.
52 Example tD t A t c t h t
53 Example z 1,1 = = 60 z 1,2 = ( )/2 = 66/2=33 < 60 z 1,3 = 114/3 = 38>33 So the heuristic sets Q 1 = 12. Next, z 3,3 = 64 z 3,4 = 76/2 = 36 < 64 z 3,5 = 132/3 = 44>36 So, Q 3 = 16. Next,
54 z 5,5 = 68. Since we have reached the end of the planning horizon, the heuristic sets Q 5 = 14.