CPSC 875 John D. McGregor Design Concept
Functional decomposition
Utility tree quality-attributes/ quality-attributes/ A utility tree lists a set of prioritized quality attributes, scenarios about each quality attribute, and a rating for the risk and criticality
Reference architecture
Reference architecture - 2
Styles and patterns An architecture style and a pattern are very similar A pattern may have more information, particularly more information about trade-offs among attributes.
Logical/Physical Separate processes Separate hardware Usually have multiple processes on single hardware element Seldom have single process on multiple hardware Start at the logical level Then conform to physical deployment environment
Static/Dynamic Structures are static Flows are dynamic Modularity is a property of the static Latency is a property of the dynamic
Ubiquitous architecture styles Layers
Ubiquitous architecture styles Client/Server client server DB request return
Master/Slave Execution.pdf
Model-View-Controller neral/Conceptual/DevPedia-CocoaCore/MVC.html neral/Conceptual/DevPedia-CocoaCore/MVC.html andreas.net/software_architecture/mvc.html andreas.net/software_architecture/mvc.html As anti-pattern –
What are the essentials? Separation of data from presentation – Have multiple views Separation of control from presentation – Have multiple controllers Attributes – Extensible
System Model Decomposition Our value computation is an interactive system. So we can start with MVC from slide 16 and decompose from there. Controller Model View Controller Model Data Editor System menu Properties editor Controller Editor Model Data Editor System menu Properties editor Controller
Extension System Model Controller Editor Model Data Editor System menu Properties editor Controller System Model Controller Editor Model Data Editor System menu Properties editor Controller DataBase
Pipe and filter Graphics pipeline
Call and return architecture
aadl tutorial and-osate and-osate adl-tutorial/ adl-tutorial/ rtg.cis.upenn.edu/hasten/hces04/AADL%20AR O2.ppt