Transition into School Parent Hui 2015
What is needed for a good transition into school? early planning, parent / whānau engagement, strong relationships between school, early childhood centre, families / whānau and practitioners clear communication a clear and shared understanding about resources available and required. monitoring after transition
Culturally responsive practice The culture, language, identity, and background of each child and their parents/caregivers, whānau, are valued and included when planning transition.
Early planning “The whole process started way back near their 4th birthday what are the school options meeting with school teams what resources may be required when and how to access resources
Parents/caregivers, whānau Parents/caregivers, whānau need to be well informed and supported so that they feel confident to lead the transition to school process.
Strong relationships between school, early childhood centre, families / whānau and practitioners transition meetings are planned clear communication across all involved a clear and shared understanding of the strengths and needs of the child a clear and shared understanding about resources available and required
Shared understanding about resources “Resources come as funding, materials and people. People included specialist skills, experience, people's time, and professional learning and development”
Some resources available special education grant ongoing resourcing scheme (ORS) advisers on deaf children resource teachers of the deaf new zealand sign assistive technology - FM Systems
Monitoring once transition into school is completed a process is set up for informal and formal monitoring in the school setting –teacher parent meetings –team meetings –parent / whānau, advisers on deaf children, resource teachers of deaf, ……… –individual education plan meetings