Chapter 7 Psychosocial Development: 0-2 Michael Hoerger
Social Cognition Informational Social Influence (or Social Referencing) –Dads encourage, moms protect –Dads for play, moms for comfort –Of course, differences are normal Autonomy vs. Shame
Temperament Definition: the building blocks of personality –Level of activity –Emotional intensity –Mood –Extraversion/Introversion –Attention vs. Distractibility Remember the monkey video!
Attachment Emotional bond between people Thought to be stable Secure Attachment: comfort, confidence Insecure attachment: anxiety, neglect, inconsistency Strange Situation Capitalizing on chance, bad research, and what really matters
Infant Daycare Paid, non-relatives Little research to date Effective after age 3, maybe before Quality matters: attention, encourage development, safe, well-trained Better social skills & achievement Benefits for caregivers 3 rd variable problem (again!)
Michael Hoerger To cite this textbook: Berger, K. (2005). The developing person through the lifespan. New York: Worth. To cite this lecture: Hoerger, M. (2007, January 31). Developmental Psychology: Infant Psychosocial Development. Presented at a PSY 220 lecture at Central Michigan University.