LABOUR INSERTION OF YOUNG PEOPLE E.D.S. Enterprise services to development Equal Project n. IT-IT-G2-LAZ-002 E.D.S. Enterprise services to development Equal Project n. IT-IT-G2-LAZ-002 Leader: EFET National Partners: IMU CISFEL CIR ERIFO PRAGUE, october 2007
Employment Services in Italy The services 1. first selection or selection of CV on behalf of firms 2. careers guidance (divided between first level – information- and second or specialistic level –guidance-) 3. information about job regulations addressed to job seekers 4. information about job regulations and law procedures related to recruiting people (addressed to firms) 5. promotion of stages 6. promotion of unemployed people between firms 7. granting of unemployment benefits
Vocational and job guidance Motivation to active job search Information on the services of the network Counselling, to help the unemployed person to acquire knowledge of himself and to choose a path of the professional training and/or active job search Individual talks Psychological tests for vocational evaluation Job opportunities Drawing up of a vocational plan To refer to other services of the network
Survey on job offer and vocational training offer To gather information on job opportunities and vocational training locally available Meetings with companies, employers organisations, trade unions and vocational training centres for continuous survey on the needs, job and vocational training offer. Preparation of instruments for monitoring the local situation
Matching work Pre-selection of unemployed people to be proposed to the companies for work insertion Identification of the suitable candidates for the job from the database Presentation of the candidates to the companies
Work insertion Preparation of the business environment for the job insertion Counselling and tutoring during job insertion Evaluation of the integration process Tutoring for candidates taking part in a selection procedure Vocational training planning for job placements Talks, interviews, questionnaires Meetings with representatives of the companies
The new apprenticeship educational training apprenticeships, providing training and access to the labour market for school leavers vocational training apprenticeships, combining on-the-job training with a technical or vocational qualification higher-level apprenticeships, with advanced technical training leading to a high-school diploma or university-level qualification educational training apprenticeships, providing training and access to the labour market for school leavers vocational training apprenticeships, combining on-the-job training with a technical or vocational qualification higher-level apprenticeships, with advanced technical training leading to a high-school diploma or university-level qualification
Social co-operative for labour insertion According to law 381/1991, the purpose of a social co-operative is to “pursue the general interest of the community in the human promotion and social integration of citizens”. Legislation also stipulates that social co- ops have a special mandate to provide for the integration of disadvantaged persons into society.
Social co-operatives type B Type B social co-ops must employ at least 30% of their employees from “disadvantaged groups” Law 381 also provides that the ownership structure of social co-ops may be comprised of several categories of members (workers, users, volunteers, investors, public bodies) Social co-ops that employ 30% of their workers from disadvantaged groups are exempted from paying tax, and statutory employee costs are provided by the state.
Disadvantaged people in social co-ops B Disadvantaged persons are identified as consisting of the following groups: - physically or mentally disabled; - ex patients of psychiatric institutes; - ex inmates; - drug addicts; - alcoholics; - homeless, - minors at risk.