METIS 2004 (Geneva, 9-11 February 2004) CLASET An EDI Message for Exchanging Classifications Contributed Paper (WP.26 ) Danny Delcambre, Eurostat
CLASET fully operational, normalized message to exchange: 1) hierarchical structures, such as: - classifications, organisational charts, product lists, etc. 2) links between these structures 3) additional information, such as: - life cycle of data (versioning, dates, etc.) - general information (maintenance agency, references, etc.) Independent from software and hardware UN/EDIFACT norm: UN/EDIFACT norm: 1/7 METIS meeting, Geneva, February 9th, 2004
CLASET Based on a complete data model. To implement CLASET, - either you adopt the CLASET data model - or you map it with your own data model Implemented in several syntaxes: - EDIFACT, SGML, XML, HTML A toolbox offers the following functionalities: - Conversion from one syntax to another - Text files import/export - Configuration of text parsers 2/7 METIS meeting, Geneva, February 9th, 2004
3/7 CLASET DATA MODEL METIS meeting, Geneva, February 9th, 2004
4/7 DATA MODEL FOR CLASSIFICATION PART METIS meeting, Geneva, February 9th, 2004
Source DB Extraction in a given format ToolBox Target DB Paper Specific elect. format Conversion + style sheet Import Conversion f.i. in text format Display on Screen Conversion HTML Import WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH CLASET 5/7 METIS meeting, Geneva, February 9th, 2004
CLASET They have tested or implemented CLASET - INSEE (in their nomenclature server) - Statistics Finland - Swiss Statistical office - Eurostat (export format in next release of RAMON) - a Belgian regional office for Employment in the framework of the Protégé Project ( 6/7 METIS meeting, Geneva, February 9th, 2004
CLASET More info: - Working paper for this meeting (METIS 2004, WP.26) - CLASET Web page: Data models (UML, XML), implementation guides (EDIFACT, XML, etc. 7/7 METIS meeting, Geneva, February 9th, 2004