Return of the Son of Automated Publishing: A Free, Modular Solution for Academic Typesetting PKP XML Project Update 2014 Alex Garnett
Scholarly Communication in 2014: Many innovative journals & services...
...but they’re all mum on process You’re a small publisher, you’ve got your journal software setup, you’ve worked out indexing... But how do you get from authors’ Word submissions to HTML without a huge time investment?
Even modern publishers like River Valley use a lot of manual effort to get to XML before their automated workflows.
Meanwhile, in PKP World Lemon8-XML – developed c – Semi-supervised conversion to NLM 2 XML – Orphaned since , still requested on forums! Grant obtained from Stanford MediaX Publish- on-Demand (Alex G & John Willinsky) in late 2012 to start a new XML initiative
Word/compatible document input HTML... PDF... National Library of Medicine JATS XML... > OUTPUT! (some of you may have heard this last year, when officially announced at PKP 2013)
Fully open source Modular solution linking several open solutions to article parsing and rendering –ParsCit, wkhtmltopdf, LibreOffice, Pandoc & more Core parsing engine “meTypeset” developed in partnership with Open Library of Humanities
Progress & Plans Since this time last year, we’ve primarily: –Developed an open source core parsing engine –Rewrote and modularized the parsing stack –Created an OJS plugin for using the service Going forward: –Continue to improve the core parsing engine –Improve support for PDF parsing through partnership with CERMINE in Poland –Add more workflow options to OJS implementation
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