How to Improve Athletic Performance: Stretching Ashley White
Fitness Training Steps 1) warm-up * 2) workout 3) cool-down*
Warm Up: Pre Exercise Dynamic stretch: ~ stretching while in a range of motion
Dynamic Examples Toe raises Leg raises: front and back Duck walks Inch worm Over/under fence Skipping-toe touch Skipping-lounge and twist
Benefits from Dynamic Stretching Improves form Prevents injury: pulls or strains Increase cardiac output: blood flow to skeletal muscles Raises body temperature: elevates muscle enzyme activity
Cooling Down Static Stretch ~ stationary stretching
Why Not Static Stretch to Warm Up? If choose to static stretch prior exercise, do so at least an hour before Muscles are similar to rubber bands -static stretch too long could loosen muscle too much= decrease performance Static could cause muscle fatigue and soreness
Static Best for Cool Down Hold stretch for seconds to improve flexibility and relax muscle First 10 seconds of stretch loosens muscle spindles “deactivate muscle spindle”-detects changes in muscle length Prevents overstretch, protect from muscle tear
Learning Theories Active/Reflective: have class demonstrate own dynamic and static stretch to experience the difference Sensing/Intuitive: put the lesson to test-try own dynamic and static stretch to see if performance and flexibility improves Visual/Verbal: PowerPoint and demonstration for visual; explanation and lecture for verbal Sequential/Global: demonstrate and explain steps of proper timing, proper form, and different techniques for dynamic and static stretches