NC Elements Web-based instructional management for planning, implementing, and improving instruction
Teachers need … Understanding of essential standards and how performance is to be measured To know what students know prior to instruction Guidance about which students need special services Evidence that demonstrates who has mastered the material and who needs more time
Administrators need Evidence that shows how the district, schools, teachers, and students are doing To identify which teachers are doing well and develop strategies for improvement To target resources to areas of need
The state agency needs To report performance on technical attainment To target technical assistance To identify statewide professional development needs
Model Paper-based tracking of individual student performance by objective
Model Paper-based tracking of individual student performance by objective
VoCATS Model PC based Standardized Generates data for reporting for accountability
Elements Model Web based, not platform dependent Online or paper-based testing Instant scoring and reporting Customizable reporting Integrated data systems Automated reporting for accountability
Student enrollment data Special populations data Essential standards Classroom assessment banks Aligned secure assessments Reports for LEA use Results for state use Reports for teacher use
Teachers need … Understanding of essential standards and how performance is to be measured To know what students know prior to instruction Guidance about which students need special services Evidence that demonstrates who has mastered the material and who needs more time Reports for teacher use
Administrators need Evidence that shows how the district, schools, teachers, and students are doing To identify which teachers are doing well and develop strategies for improvement To target resources to areas of need Reports for LEA use
The state agency needs To report performance on technical attainment To target technical assistance To identify statewide professional development needs Results for state use
Questions How much did it cost? Development Ongoing expense Local support What are major issues
For more information Rhonda Welfare, Senior Analyst CTE State and Federal Accountability NC Department of Public Instruction