The KINGDOM OF MOROCCO Ministry of Land-Use Management, Water and the Environment CD CDM - MOROCCO Realizations and 2005 Activities Program Fourth Regional WS Tunis,27-29 August 2004 CD CDM Project Ali Agoumi ; National Coordinator
I –2004 Project realizations Development and implementation of the CDM national strategy for ( SOP) The setting up of the CDM DNA along with its rules, procedures and functions (CDM NC and CDM PS with it’s internal regulation : workshop in September2003, and June 2004) Development of national CDM project evaluation and approval procedures ( Adoption by the DNA in September 2003 and June 2004 ) Development of national sustainable development criteria (Adoption by the CDM NC in November 2003 )
Realizations!! Learning by doing Supporting three economic operators at a chosen level and the development of three pilot project design documents of which they are the promoters: - ONE; Essaouria wind Park - OCP; Jorf Lasfar HRS OCP unit - Rabat Local Council: Akreuch Waste discharge y This 3 Project have been approved by the CDM NC on November They are now under validation ! - Continued training effort, starting in the UNDP-GEF RAB project framework, on the development of CDM project PDDs ( workshop on 1st July 2003) Avec le soutien du PNUD et du PNUE CDM Morocco Expert Network Ecosecurities and NC
Realizations!! Learning by doing 2004: Small Scale Project!! - Supporting three economic operators at a chosen level and the development of three pilot Small scale project design documents of which they are the promoters: -ONE; 105,000 Photovoltaic kits for rural electrification -ONEP ; 10 MW Wind farm for the Tan Tan desalination plant - RADEEMA : 1.3 MW wastewater-derived power generation unit (Marrakesh) - This 3 Project have been approved by the DNA(1ste stage PIN) on June The PDDs are now under development with the CD CDM project support ! - workshop on SSP PDD on October 2004 Avec le soutien du PNUD et du PNUE CDM Morocco Expert Network National Consultants
Realizations!! CDM Morocco Portfolio - Development and permanent improvement of Morocco’s CDM project Portfolio : y 25 Project 4000KTEqCO2/year: KTeqCO2 in 10 years Afforestation and reforestation projects Waste projects Renewable energy projects Energy efficiency projects Industrial process change project y 9 SS Project on 170 KTEqCO2/year Waste projects Renewable energy projects Energy efficiency projects
CDM Morocco Portfolio : Sectors! Portefeuille des projets MDP au Maroc : PerspectivesSCET MAROCConseil National MDP – Rabat, 29 juin 2004
CDM Morocco Portfolio : promoters! Portefeuille des projets MDP au Maroc : PerspectivesSCET MAROCConseil National MDP – Rabat, 29 juin 2004 zONE : 7 projets – 1,9 million CER par an; zMairies et CU : 6 projets – 0,8 million CER par an; zOCP : 4 projets – 0,4 million CER par an.
- - Three studies on the following aspects: - Morocco ’ s institutional investment framework and the promotion of CDM : Results available - - CDM Morocco ’ s training plan for Realizations :Results available - Training plane for the futur :Results available at the end of the first semester of 2004 !!!! - - CDM Morocco ’ s communication programme and actions - Realizations :Results available - Communication plane for the futur :Results available at the end of 2004 !!!! - Realizations!! Studies
Realizations!! Capacity building : National WS *July 2003: Workshop on the CDM Project PDD - target group: research experts and consultants - animation : Ecosecurities, NC and project staff *September 2003: Workshop on institutional aspects - target group: CDM NC, CDM PS - animation :NC and project staff * January 2004: Workshop on the baselines - target group: research experts and consultants - animation : Ecosecurities, RISOE and project RC * February 2004: CDM Information workshop - target group: banks, financial organisations and credit companies - animation : project staff, RISOE and project RC (4)
Realizations!! Capacity building : National WS * April 2004: Marrakech International CDM FORUM - target group: EO, investors, research experts and consultants, NGOs - animation: Ecosecurities, RISOE, project RC and project staff * June 2004: Workshop on institutional aspects: internal regulation - target group: CDM NC, CDM PS - animation : project staff, RISOE and project RC *October 2004: Workshop on a small scale CDM projects development - target group: research experts and consultants - -animation: National consultants, RISOE, project CR and project staff + REGIONAL WORKSHOPS
Realizations!! Communication -A national and international communication action on CDM Morocco, in particular through: - -Developing CD CDM Morocco project brochures:SOP,CD CDM Project,DNA,general brochure and EO brochures (under development ) - Setting up and update a CDM Morocco web site : on 2004 this Web site has ben partly in English - Publishing CDM Morocco ECHOS MDP - The participation of project staff in different national and international demonstrations where the CDM Moroccan strategy and activities were presented OS18, COP9,OS19 and Carbon EXPO at Cologne June 2004 … AND COP10 with a side event on !!!
II Consolidation yCDM DNA working support yCDM Portfolio :development and promotion yLearning by doing,PDD for 3 projects concerning : Forestry yCapacity building : National WS CDM Project Validation and certification ; Experts CDM contracts : Jurists PDD for Forestry Projects :Experts yImplementation of the 3 studies recommendations Communication awarenes: CDM Morocco network support,web site ECHOS bulletin,adapted packs and brochures, participation of members of the project staff in national and international demonstrations -
THANKs, Climate Change Unit;