Revelation: Week Three
Now, the Good Stuff: We will look at the most widely held, and accepted views of Revelation…there are seven of them. The first five we will overview, and the last two, (which most of us will fall into) we will study in-depth.
I. The Preterist View A.k.a. “The Historical Background View” “The Contemporary-historical View” Main idea: Revelation is Primarily for the encouragement of the first century Christians. Supported by: I.T. Beckwith and H.B. Swete
Positives of this view: Positive: The Preterist view has caused us to pay very, very close attention to the original historical context, as the foundation of the interpretation of any text. (AKA: Joe Maggelet: “Context is key!!!!”) Main positives: reading (82)
Weakness of the Preterist View: 1. The major problem is that the decisive victory (in the latter chapters of Revelation) is never achieved. (At least, I don’t live like it was.) 2. This view tends to omit or neglect the future significance of this book.
II. The Amillenial View Main idea: Revelation portrays in a symbolic way truths for each age and for the end of History. In many ways, this is the clearest and simplest view. Reading (82-bottom)
History of Amillennialism Reading (83) Today, the choice for most conservative Christians is either 1. Amillennialism 2. Historical Premillennialism or 3. Dispensational Premillennialism. Southern Baptists have top teachers/pastors who’s beliefs are divided between these three views.
Overview of the Ammillennialist viewpoint: 1. The second coming of Christ will start the final age for both believers and non. Immediately following the second coming will be the general resurrection, the judgment of all, and the consignment of all to their future estates. 2. Revelation is very symbolic and figurative. Therefore the number 1000 should not be seen as literal.
Cont. 3. The two resurrections of chapter 20 do not need an intervening millennium. 4. The O.T. prophecies won’t be fulfilled in a 1000 year period. They will be fulfilled within the history of the Church. Or, in some cases in the new heaven and new earth.
Cont. 5. The “signs of the times” pointing to Christ’s return will intensify. Also, there will be an intensified tribulation, apostasy and the Antichrist will appear before the second coming.
Strengths of Amillennialism: 1. It takes the culture and the literary nature of the book very seriously. 2. The Bible is the supreme authority 3. There is a realistic view of history: The world won’t be completely converted, nor will conditions grow inevitably worse.
Weaknesses: 1. It tends to spiritualize both the Old and New Testaments. Reading (86) 2. It has a lack of interest in the future of a lack of prophetic interest.