Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans & Atmosphere.


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Presentation transcript:

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans & Atmosphere NOAA Administrator April 22, 2005

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 2 Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments NOAA’s Mission Goals US Ocean Action Plan c Committee on Ocean Policy Ecosystem Approaches to Management c Earth Observations c Conserve and Restore Coastal Habitat c Promote Education and Outreach Earth Day c Stewardship Charge

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 3 NOAA’s Vision An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make the best social and economic decisions

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 4 NOAA’s Mission & Goals To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and manage and conserve coastal and marine resources to meet the Nation’s economic, social and environmental needs Mission Goals: c Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management c Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond c Serve society’s needs for weather and water information c Support the Nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation c Provide critical support for NOAA’s mission

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 5 Administration’s Response to the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy U.S. Ocean Action Plan December 17, 2004 c Executive Order: Committee on Ocean Policy c U.S. Ocean Action Plan c

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 6 Committee on Ocean Policy The Committee will facilitate coordination of Federal agencies, States, Tribes, and local officials Will advise President and heads of agencies on policies concerning ocean-related matters First Meeting was on the 5th of this month c Approved Research Priorities Framework c New England Regional Collaboration

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 7 U.S. Ocean Action Plan Highlights Ecosystem Approaches to Management c Integrate U.S. Ocean Observing Efforts into the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) c Conserve and Restore Coastal Habitat: Including, implementing the Administration’s Wetlands Initiative and Fostering Local Restoration Projects c Expanding NOAA’s Authority to Education and Outreach

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 8 Ecosystem Approach to Management An ecosystem is a geographically specified system of organisms (including humans), the environment, and the processes that control its dynamics Ecosystem approach to management: c Adaptive c Regionally directed c Takes account of ecosystem knowledge c Takes account of uncertainty c Considers multiple external influences c Strives to balance diverse societal objectives

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 9 Ecosystem Complexity

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 10 CA/OR DRIFT GILLNET FISHERY Leatherback Closed Area c Annually August - November Loggerhead Closed Area c June-August during El Niño years

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 11 Climate & the Bering Sea Ecosystem Climate change is affecting species distribution, recruitment, harvests and trophic interactions Major fisheries shifting northward (e.g.Pollock) toward cooler temperatures NOAA has established biophysical monitoring network Provides managers with qualitative and quantitative assessments and predictions such as stock assessments and marine mammal surveys 175 o W o W 60 o N 58 o N 60 o N 58 o N Relative CPUE

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 12 CHESAPEAKE BAY Food Web: Blue Crabs, Oysters, Striped Bass, Humans Other considerations: Habitat, non-point source pollution, life cycle differences, other species Observations and collaboration will allow for an ecosystem approach to managing this system

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 13 The Herring Fishery Predator/Prey Relationship Bluefin Tuna Herring Cod Cod larvae

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 14 Ecosystems and an Integrated Ocean Observing System Build an ocean observing system as part of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Better management with improved observation systems

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 15 Observations Are The Basis For Understanding Our Earth Natural & Human Induced Disasters Human Health & Well-Being Energy Resources Climate Variability & Change Water Resources Weather Information, Forecasting & Warning Terrestrial, Coastal & Marine Ecosystems Sustainable Agriculture & Desertification Biodiversity

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 16 U.S. Plan For An Improved Tsunami Monitoring System Enable enhanced monitoring, detection, warning & communications Deploy 32 advanced technology DART buoys Commit $37.5M over next 2 years Provide: c Nearly 100% coverage for U.S. coasts c Expanded capability throughout Pacific & Caribbean basins Part of future global observation & global tsunami warning systems

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 17 Act Locally Observe Globally Model Regionally

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 18 Model Regionally Think Globally Observe Locally

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 19 Coastal Ocean Observation System (COOS) Coastal Observations c National Water Level Observing Network c Wave Buoys/Current Meters Aerial Survey/LiDAR Mapping Digital Elevation Models from Global Positioning System and LiDAR Tide Gauge Planting Grass Aerial Photograph Barren Island Marsh Marsh Restoration, Barren Island MD

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 20 Conserve and Restore Coastal Habitat Administration’s Wetlands Initiative c Through the combined efforts of NOAA and partner Federal agencies will create, improve, and protect at least 3 million wetland acres over the next 5 years Fostering Local Restoration Projects c Locally led coastal habitat restoration projects are flourishing all across the country. The Administration encourages successful community-based approaches and management techniques to protect coastal habitat

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 21 National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERR) 26 Reserves System Wide Monitoring Program c temperature c pH c dissolved oxygen c turbidity c salinity c water depth c chlorophyll a

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 22 Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve Wire Model Of Dean Creek’s basin morphology showing creek channels and pools. Colorgramic elevation model of Dean Creek Spatially defined oyster reef communities

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 23 Community Based Restoration Harvesting oysters and not returning shells has decreased the sustainability of oyster populations along the Georgia coast Generating Enhanced Oyster Reefs in Georgia’s Inshore Areas (GEORGIA) will build five reefs in the Savannah area Reefs are built from used shells from oyster roasts and restaurants Ultimately, the reefs will be monitored by local groups such as the 4-H club and local restaurants

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 24 NOAA Organic Act NOAA Formed by Executive Order #4 in 1970 Since 1970 over 200 Disconnected Authorities NOAA Organic Act serves as a Charter Providing Coherent, Cohesive Set of Authorities Key Recommendation of the Ocean Commission Explicitly Authorizes Broad Education and Outreach Effort that Bridges Programs

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 25 NOAA Education NOAA’s Research and Education Partnerships with Colleges and Universities c National Sea Grant College Program c NOAA Joint Research Institutes Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program (NEW in 2005) c ANNOUNCEMENT: Today NOAA is opening a competition for the Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship c Recognizes outstanding scholarship and encourages independent graduate level research NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program NOAA is also a major Sponsor of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 26 The Forests for the Trees

Stewardship of the Coastal & Ocean Environments--Boyd Distinguished Lecture Series 27 Earth Day Charge Become a Steward of your local environment. Actively lead in your community. Get involved!

Questions? Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans & Atmosphere NOAA Administrator April 22, 2005