Rol - Jan 28, 2011 MEIC Workshop 1 A Business Inspired by Muon Colliders (Can it contribute to electron-ion colliders?) Rolland P. Johnson Muons, Inc.


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Presentation transcript:

Rol - Jan 28, 2011 MEIC Workshop 1 A Business Inspired by Muon Colliders (Can it contribute to electron-ion colliders?) Rolland P. Johnson Muons, Inc. ( Muons, Inc. has been involved in inventions and their development that have improved the prospects for neutrino factories, stopping muon beams, and high luminosity muon colliders for Higgs factories and at the energy frontier. Support has come from the DOE SBIR-STTR program and from contracts from national laboratories. With over $5M new grants and contracts in 2010, the staff (now 22), the number of research partners at labs and universities, and fields of interest are growing. Please visit "Papers and Reports" and "LEMC Workshop" at Muons, Inc.

Rol - Jan 28, 2011 MEIC Workshop 2 Muons, Inc. Project History Muons, Inc. Project History Year Project Expected Funds Research Partner Year Project Expected Funds Research Partner 2002 Company founded 2002 Company founded High Pressure RF Cavity$600,000 IIT (Kaplan) High Pressure RF Cavity$600,000 IIT (Kaplan) Helical Cooling Channel$850,000JLab (Derbenev) Helical Cooling Channel$850,000JLab (Derbenev) † MANX demo experiment$ 95,000FNAL (Yarba) † MANX demo experiment$ 95,000FNAL (Yarba) Phase Ionization Cooling$745,000JLab (Derbenev) Phase Ionization Cooling$745,000JLab (Derbenev) HTS Magnets$795,000FNAL (Yarba) HTS Magnets$795,000FNAL (Yarba) Reverse Emittance Exch.$850,000JLab (Derbenev) Reverse Emittance Exch.$850,000JLab (Derbenev) Capture, ph. rotation$850,000FNAL (Neuffer) Capture, ph. rotation$850,000FNAL (Neuffer) G4BL Sim. Program$850,000 IIT (Kaplan) G4BL Sim. Program$850,000 IIT (Kaplan) MANX 6D Cooling Demo $850,000FNAL (Lamm) MANX 6D Cooling Demo $850,000FNAL (Lamm) Stopping Muon Beams$750,000FNAL (Ankenbrandt) Stopping Muon Beams$750,000FNAL (Ankenbrandt) HCC Magnets$750,000FNAL (Zlobin) HCC Magnets$750,000FNAL (Zlobin) Compact, Tunable RF$100,000FNAL (Popovic) Compact, Tunable RF$100,000FNAL (Popovic) RF Breakdown Studies$100,000LBNL (Li) ANL (Gai) RF Breakdown Studies$100,000LBNL (Li) ANL (Gai) Rugged RF Windows$100,000Jlab (Rimmer) Rugged RF Windows$100,000Jlab (Rimmer) H2-filled RF Cavities$100,000FNAL (Yonehara) H2-filled RF Cavities$100,000FNAL (Yonehara) (these are finished, while the next page has ongoing projects) Muons, Inc.

Rol - Jan 28, 2011 MEIC Workshop 3 Project History (cont.) Project History (cont.) Year Project Expected Funds Research Partner Year Project Expected Funds Research Partner Pulsed Quad RLAs$850,000JLab (Bogacz) Pulsed Quad RLAs$850,000JLab (Bogacz) Fiber Optics for HTS$800,000NCSU (Schwartz) Fiber Optics for HTS$800,000NCSU (Schwartz) HOM Absorbers$850,000Cornell(Hoffstaetter) HOM Absorbers$850,000Cornell(Hoffstaetter) Quasi Isochronous HCC$850,000 FNAL (Neuffer) Quasi Isochronous HCC$850,000 FNAL (Neuffer) DC Gun Insulator$100,000 JLab (Poelker) DC Gun Insulator$100,000 JLab (Poelker) H-minus Sources$850,000 ORNL/SNS (Stockli) H-minus Sources$850,000 ORNL/SNS (Stockli) Hi Power Coax Coupler$850,000 JLab (Rimmer) Hi Power Coax Coupler$850,000 JLab (Rimmer) Hi Field YBCO Magnets$100,000 NCSU (Schwartz) Hi Field YBCO Magnets$100,000 NCSU (Schwartz) f –locked Magnetrons$850,000 FNAL (Popovic) f –locked Magnetrons$850,000 FNAL (Popovic) Mono-E Photons$172,5882 contracts w PNNL Mono-E Photons$172,5882 contracts w PNNL Project-X and MC/NF$260,000 contract w FNAL Project-X and MC/NF$260,000 contract w FNAL MCP and ps timers$108,338contract w ANL MCP and ps timers$108,338contract w ANL 2010MAP$ 55,7392 contracts w FNAL 2010MAP$ 55,7392 contracts w FNAL MHz RF Cavity $230,000contract w LANL MHz RF Cavity $230,000contract w LANL ps detectors for MCDE$100,000U Chicago (Frisch) ps detectors for MCDE$100,000U Chicago (Frisch) Crab Cavities$100,000JLab (Rimmer) Crab Cavities$100,000JLab (Rimmer) Epicyclic PIC$100,000JLab (Derbenev) Epicyclic PIC$100,000JLab (Derbenev) MC detector bkgnds$100,000NIU (Hedin) MC detector bkgnds$100,000NIU (Hedin) Muons, Inc.

Rol - Oct 13, 2010 Cornell - Bright Muon Beams 4 Pressurized High Gradient RF Cavities (IIT, Dan Kaplan) Copper plated, stainless-steel, 800 MHz test cell with GH2 to 1600 psi and 77 K in Lab G, MTA Copper plated, stainless-steel, 800 MHz test cell with GH2 to 1600 psi and 77 K in Lab G, MTA Paschen curve verified Paschen curve verified Maximum gradient limited by breakdown of metal Maximum gradient limited by breakdown of metal fast conditioning seen, no limitation by external magnetic field!fast conditioning seen, no limitation by external magnetic field! Cu and Be have same breakdown limits (~50 MV/m), Mo ~28% better Cu and Be have same breakdown limits (~50 MV/m), Mo ~28% better Muons, Inc.

Rol - Oct 13, 2010 Cornell - Bright Muon Beams 5 5T Solenoid Pressure barrier Mark II Test Cell MuCool Test Area (MTA) Wave guide to coax adapter Muons, Inc.

Rol - Oct 13, 2010 Cornell - Bright Muon Beams 6 HPRF Test Cell Measurements in MTA Electrode breakdown region Paschen region Electrode breakdown region Muons, Inc. Paschen curve verified Paschen curve verified Maximum gradient limited by breakdown of metal. Maximum gradient limited by breakdown of metal. Cu and Be have same breakdown limits (~50 MV/m), Mo(~63MV/m), W(~75MV/m). Cu and Be have same breakdown limits (~50 MV/m), Mo(~63MV/m), W(~75MV/m). Results show no B dependence, much different metallic breakdown than for vacuum cavities. Results show no B dependence, much different metallic breakdown than for vacuum cavities. Need beam tests to prove HPRF works. Need beam tests to prove HPRF works. 100 atm

Rol - Oct 13, 2010 Cornell - Bright Muon Beams 7 Particle Motion in a Helical Magnet Blue: Beam envelope Red: Reference orbit Magnet Center Combined function magnet (invisible in this picture) Solenoid + Helical dipole + Helical Quadrupole Dispersive component makes longer path length for higher momentum particles and shorter path length for lower momentum particles. Muons, Inc. Opposing radial forces Transforming to the frame of the rotating helical dipole leads to a time and z – independent Hamiltonian b' added for stability and acceptance

Some Important Relationships Rol - Oct 13, 2010Cornell - Bright Muon Beams8 Hamiltonian Solution Equal cooling decrements Longitudinal cooling only ~Momentum slip factor ~ Muons, Inc.

Rol - Oct 13, 2010 Cornell - Bright Muon Beams 9 Katsuya Yonehara achievement!

Rol - Oct 13, 2010 Cornell - Bright Muon Beams 10

Rol - Oct 13, 2010 Cornell - Bright Muon Beams 11

This is a 24 cavity per period 400 MHz design Approximate Diameter at the coax flange is 40” Approximate Diameter at the coax flange is 40” Rol - Oct 13, 2010 Cornell - Bright Muon Beams 12 Magnet Coil Pill box Cavity Coax Feed per cavity

YBCO HSM1.1 Fabrication and Test Results Miao Yu, Dan Turrioni, Vito Lombardo 01/05/2011 Muons, Inc. Rol - Jan 28, MEIC Workshop

Goal of the study Conceptual design Conceptual design Develop the fabrication technology of double pancake unit model Develop the fabrication technology of double pancake unit model Test the model at 4.2 K Test the model at 4.2 K Rol - Jan 28, Muons, Inc. MEIC Workshop

HSM1 Remind Rol - Jan 28, The model degraded at 290 A, ~20% SSL The degradation location: inner splices Muons, Inc. MEIC Workshop

HSM1.1 Improvement Rol - Jan 28, Soldering Kit Copper Presser Muons, Inc. MEIC Workshop

SSL at 77 K and 4.2 K Rol - Jan 28, Ic is limited by the perpendicular field on the tape Muons, Inc. MEIC Workshop

HSM1 and HSM1.1 Comparison Rol - Jan 28, Muons, Inc. MEIC Workshop

Conclusion HSM1.1 were tested successfully at 77 K and 4.2 K. It reached at least 86% SSL at 77 K and 75% SSL at 4.2 K. HSM1.1 were tested successfully at 77 K and 4.2 K. It reached at least 86% SSL at 77 K and 75% SSL at 4.2 K. The fabrication of the helical solenoid double pancake model was developed. The fabrication of the helical solenoid double pancake model was developed. Rol - Jan 28, Muons, Inc. MEIC Workshop

Next Step Rol - Jan 28, Dump resistor needs to be designed and fabricated. Fabricate another two double pancake models and test them. Splice performance study (pressure, temperature, etc.) Assembly the two units, design the structure for the field sensor probe and test the assembled model. Muons, Inc. MEIC Workshop

Projects Relevant to MEIC High-field superconducting solenoids for shorter spin rotators High-field superconducting solenoids for shorter spin rotators YBCO HS solenoid development (Zlobin-FNAL)YBCO HS solenoid development (Zlobin-FNAL) Fiber optic sensors for monitoring and quench protection (Schwartz-NCSU)Fiber optic sensors for monitoring and quench protection (Schwartz-NCSU) SRF implementation SRF implementation High-power co-axial couplers (Rimmer-JLab)High-power co-axial couplers (Rimmer-JLab) Phase and frequency-locked magnetron power sources (Popovic-FNAL)Phase and frequency-locked magnetron power sources (Popovic-FNAL) HOM absorbers (Hoffstaetter-Cornell)HOM absorbers (Hoffstaetter-Cornell) Crab cavities (Rimmer-JLab)Crab cavities (Rimmer-JLab) ACE3P (Advanced Computational Electromagnetics 3P) Code (Ko-SLAC)ACE3P (Advanced Computational Electromagnetics 3P) Code (Ko-SLAC) Source development (Dudnikov talk) Source development (Dudnikov talk) H-minus with saddle RF antenna (Stockli-SNS/ORNL)H-minus with saddle RF antenna (Stockli-SNS/ORNL) Improved electron sources using surface acoustic waves (Poelker-JLab)Improved electron sources using surface acoustic waves (Poelker-JLab) Experiment Support Experiment Support Fast, inexpensive, large area timing counters (~1ps, 1mm) (Frisch-UC)Fast, inexpensive, large area timing counters (~1ps, 1mm) (Frisch-UC) Programs–G4beamline (Kaplan-IIT, Godunov-ODU)Programs–G4beamline (Kaplan-IIT, Godunov-ODU) background studies (Hedin-NIU)background studies (Hedin-NIU) Extensions, other attractions Extensions, other attractions Project-X (Nagaitsev-FNAL), ADSR (Bowman-ADNA), HS Apps (Fast-PNNL), …Project-X (Nagaitsev-FNAL), ADSR (Bowman-ADNA), HS Apps (Fast-PNNL), … Rol - Jan 28, 2011 MEIC Workshop 21 Muons, Inc.