NeuroRounds Introduction Initial Case Reports
Continue to develop Rational Clinical Decision Making Skills Master professional communication and reporting skills to facilitate participation in medical rounds meetings Develop a NeuroRounds Cases folder that can be used as a resource at medical externships
Clinical Decision Making “Clinical knowing” Reporting “Saying what you know”
Case Introduction Medical diagnosis (i.e. etiology) Treatment diagnosis Client/caregiver’s presenting concern Previous history of SLP Therapy goal Client Progress/Update Goal/Target Approach Measurement
Medical diagnosis (i.e. etiology) Treatment diagnosis Client/caregiver’s presenting concern Previous history of SLP intervention Current outcome goal of therapy including Goal approach, and for what ultimate purpose)
Initial Script Example Mr X is a 26 year-old male who presents with cognitive- communication deficits, including impairments in attention, concentration, and working memory post- traumatic brain injury that resulted from a motor vehicle accident 6 months prior to his initial visit to the UO SLHC. Mr X’s primary concern is his difficulty with attention and memory in terms of keeping up with the demands of his current job in office management. Mr X received 2 weeks of inpatient rehabilitation focused primarily on ADLs (activities of daily living). Speech therapy sessions focused on orientation and introduction of memory strategies. This is Mr X’s first term at UOSLHC. Current goals for therapy including improving sustained attention and working memory though direct attention training in order to meet current job demands and decrease forgetting episodes at work.