Sizzlin’ in the Desert Kristine Burke
Characteristics of a Desert Less than 10 in. of rain per year Poor soil Extreme temperatures
It’s Getting Hot Out Here Daytime temperatures can be over 100 F. Nighttime temperatures can be as low as 40 F. Extreme temperatures are caused by the desert’s dry climate.
Rain, Rain Go Away! Receives less than 10 inches of rain a year. Very arid and dry The evaporation rate is 20 times more than the annual precipitation rate Flash floods are common
Animals Snakes Coyotes Jack rabbits Owls Woodpeckers Kit Foxes Desert Tortoise
Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are! Hide in a cactus Rest in the shade Dig burrows underground Come out at night Animals have to adapt to stay alive!
Plant Life Plants have to adapt to stay alive Must be able to collect and store water Must be able to withstand extreme heat.
Provides many things to animals Shelter Food Water Shade
Just The Facts! Can live 200 years Takes 75 years to grow an arm The trunk of the cactus sucks up water with its shallow roots Water is stored in the trunk of the cactus Flowers only open at night Arm Trunk
Something about the Desert Deserts have been given different nicknames: “Death Valley”, “the empty quarter”, and “the place from where there is no return” 1/3 of the Earth is a desert The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. Most Saguaros have 5 arms and are about 30 feet tall.
Comprehension Questions 1.About how much rain does the desert receive in one year? 2.How hot are the daytime temperatures in the desert? 3.True or False. Flash Floods are not common. 4.Name two animals that live in the desert. 5.Name one way an animal stays out of the heat. 6.Name two things a plant must do to survive in the desert. 7.What are two things that a saguaro cactus provides to animals. 8.How old must a cactus be before it grows an arm?
California State Standards – 3rd Social Studies California State Standards – 3rd Science Desert Landscape Saguaro Cactus Lizard Desert picture e/Desert4.htmhttp:// e/Desert4.htm Saguaro cactus - cartoon Works Cited
Desert mozilla Saguaro Cactus Cactus arms Saguaro flowers/life cycle of a cactus Cartoon Scactus Desert Life Animals of the Desert Works Cited
burrow rat cactus - home Desert Clip Art pghttp:// pg Works Cited
The End!