By Stephanie Kamarinos©
KRILL DEFINTION Any of the small, shrimplike crustaceans of the family Euphausiidae and is eaten as food by whales. 1.Krill are known for being transparent 2.Krill contains Vitamin A which is mainly stored in the eyes
ADELIE PENGUIN 1.Adelie Penguins are the smallest penguins found in Antarctica 2.Adelie Penguins can live up to 20 years DESCRIPTION A penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, in large colonies of Penguins in Antarctica.
ELEPHANT SEAL 1.Elephant seals get their names from their small elephant like trunks 2.Elephant seals breed in groups called harems DESCRIPTION Either of two seals of the genus Mirounga, of the Pacific coast of North America and even the Antarctic ocean, having a curved proboscis resembling and elephant’s trunk.
ICEBERGS DESCRIPTION A large floating mass of ice, detached from a glacier and carried out to sea. 1.Icebergs are big chunks of ice that break offs from glaciers and are made of fresh water but no salt water 2.If all the icebergs were to melt our water levels would rise up to 60m
By Stephanie Kamarinos ©