Sarcoptes scabiei var.suis


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Presentation transcript:

Sarcoptes scabiei var.suis 猪疥蟎 第八组: 刘慧思 朱政怡、王雪洁、曾莉、程田

Introduction Pathogen: Sarcoptes scabiei var.suis Chronic dermatosis(慢性皮肤病) Widespread It makes the skin itchy (发痒),rough(粗糙),scrap(落屑),chap(皲裂) and intolerably dirty (污秽不堪),so it is also called swine favus(猪癞)。 It significantly depresses grown rate and feed efficiency.

Morphology(dioecism雌雄异体) Egg: Oval(椭圆形)、transparent(透明的)、150μm×100μm Larva(幼虫): Three pairs of feet Nymph (若虫): resemble the adult (类似成虫)

seta(刚毛) clavula(小棘) chewing mouthpart(咀嚼式口器) Feet Handle(柄) Sucker(吸盘)

How to distinguish between male and female ? handle and sucker (柄和吸盘) Seta (刚毛) famale male Length:0.339~0.509mm 0.226~0.339mm Width:0.283~0.358mm 0.169~0.243mm

Life cycle fertilization(受精) in the tunnel The whole cycle: 2-3 weeks hatching(孵化)in 3-4 days in the tunnel molting(蜕皮)on the skin surface or in a pocket(小穴)

Pathogenesis and Symptoms Site: head, ear back, bilateral trunk (躯干两侧) and hind limb(后肢) all over the body Pathogenesis and symptoms: Inflammation(发炎) Skin irritation(刺激皮肤) Gargalesthesia (痒感) Itching and rubbing(瘙痒) Papule and bubble(丘疹和水泡) Thick,dry and chappy skin (龟裂的) Pyogenic bacteria(化脓菌) scab(结痂) Running sore(脓疮) Decreased appetite (食欲减退) Emaciation(消瘦)

Itching and rubbing/scratching (瘙痒和摩擦)

Papule and bubble(丘疹和水泡)

Haemorrhages and scab (出血和结痂)

Thick, dry and chappy(龟裂的)skin

Thickened skin and crusts(痂皮) in the ears

Epidemiology Distribute all over the world . (Sarcoptes scabiei has been reported in over 100 mammals, including humans.) The mite spreads directly from pig to pig, either by close skin contact or contact with recently contaminated surfaces. The boar(公猪) helps to maintain infection in the herd(畜群)because he is constantly in direct skin contact with breeding females and he remains a chronic carrier(长期带虫). Newly purchased pigs There is a high potential risk  in the cold season.

Diagnosis This is confirmed by demonstrating the presence of the mite. (Scarapings for microscopic examination) Steps: 1 collection of scales 2 experimental method

Treatment and prevention

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