The national flag is a red rectangle with five stars. The red of the flag symbolizes revolution; the stars are yellow so that they will stand out brightly against the red ground. The larger star represents the CPC and the four smaller ones represents the Chinese people. This expresses the great unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC.
Try to tell which country each flag belongs to. Canada France USA IndonesiaEngland German AustraliaKoreaSingapore
建湖一中高三英语组 National flags, colors and cultures Unit 3 Reading
How many parts can the passage be divided into? Part Ⅰ A national flag tells us … Part Ⅱ The French national flag … The American national flag … The Indonesian national flag … Part Ⅲ Each of the colours …represents …
1. What is the French national flag sometimes called? 2. How many stars are there on the national flag of the USA? 3. What colour is the Indonesian flag? Questions: The Tricolore ( tricolour ). Fifty. Red and white.
Read the part about France, and choose the best answer: 1. The French flag was first used _______ the French Revolution. A. before B. after C. at the beginning of D. during 2. What does white on the French flag mean? _____ A. Purity and innocence. B. peace and honesty. C. Liberty and justice. D. Bravery and strength. 3. The design of the French flag is very_______. A. Complicated. B. Puzzling. C. Vague. D. Symbolic. C B D France:
Read the part about France, and choose the best answer: 4. Why has the French Tricolore become one the most influential national flag in history? ________ A. Because it was successful in ridding society of inequality. B. Because it was so beautifully designed. C. Because some countries elected to replace their flags with tricolore flag. D. Because it was a symbol of victory. C France:
1. Why were the people who lived in the USA unhappy with British rule ? 2. What happened after the Declaration of Independence was signed on 4 July, 1776 ? 3. What do the stars and stripes on the American flag represent ? 4. When does the USA celebrate Independence Day ? Read the part of The USA and answer the following questions: the USA:
1. Why were the people who lived in the USA unhappy with British rule ? 2. What happened after the Declaration of Independence was signed on 4 July, 1776 ? Because they couldn’t tolerate the bureaucratic way that the Britain ruled the country and they desired independence. The USA split from Britain and became an autonomous nation with a federal government. Read the part of The USA and answer the following questions: the USA:
3. What do the stars and stripes on the American flag represent ? 4. When does the USA celebrate Independence Day ? The fifty stars represent the fifty states and the thirteen stripes represent the original thirteen states that joined together to fight for independence from Britain. On 4 July each year. Read the part of The USA and answer the following questions: the USA:
Fill in the blanks after reading the part about Indonesia. The most ________ explanation is that red stands for_______, or things that are ________ while white represents the spiritual. Another suggestion is that red ___________ the color of ________ and white looks like rice. Other people say red stands for the brave and ____________ nature of the Indonesia people. It can also symbolize the fire that comes from Indonesia’s volcanoes or the fact that the ________ goes through the country. White is __________ as a symbol of purity. common blood physical resembles sugar considerate equator regarded Indonesia:
CountryTimeRedWhiteBlue France It was first used in 1789, at the _________ of the French Revolution Red shows the bravery, revolution, ________ and blood of the French. White represents peace and ________. Blue stands for liberty and justice. Task Reading: start strength honesty
CountryTimeRedWhiteBlue The USA On 4 July 1776, The Declaration of Independen -ce was ________. Red represents strength and ________. White means purity and innocence. Blue stands for hard work and _______. signed bravery justice Task Reading:
CountryTimeRedWhiteBlue Indonesia Indonesia’s flag became _______ on 17 August, 1945, three days after the _____ of World War Ⅱ. Red stands for blood, or things that are _________. White represents the spritual. official end physical Task Reading:
Extensive Reading Read the passage on Page123 in the workbook, and choose the best answers about the passage.
1. Why do many different tribes in Africa enjoy body painting? Because_____________. A. it looks very attractive B. it can be used to identify people as part of a group C. it can be used for ceremonies D. Both B and C. 2. By painting white, the Masai men want to show ___. A. they have grown up B. they have achieved a lot C. they are strong D. they are old enough to get married. 3. Red in body painting mainly represents ______. A. accomplishment B. strength C. health and long life D. bravery 4. How many tribes are mentioned in the passage? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five D A C C
Homework: Please describe the Canadian flag. (within 150 words)
图案设计意义 加拿大 国旗 加拿大国旗, 通常在英文 叫做枫叶旗, 呈横长方形, 内有一片 11 个角的红色 枫树叶;两 侧为两个相 等的红色竖 长方形。 白色正方形代表加拿大辽阔的 国土,加拿大全年积雪期在 100 天以上,故用白色表示;两个 红色竖长方形分别代表太平洋 和大西洋,因为加拿大西濒太 平洋,东临大西洋;红色枫叶 代表全体加拿大人民,加拿大 素有 “ 枫叶之国 ” 的美誉,枫树是 该国的国树,象征火红, 热烈, 赤诚的枫叶是加拿大民族的象 征。 你对该国国旗设计的看法(用两句话表达你的看法)