VisKort/ShowMap a public sector open source success?
Niels Kjøller Hansen GIS specialist Ringsted Kommune Morten Kristoffer Hansen Project manager, Videncenter for OS og åbne standarder Digitaliseringsstyrelsen Rasmus Espholm Program manager/architect, Digitaliseringsstyrelsen Speakers
Content - History - Introduction to ShowMap - Open source and the community - From the users perspective - Success?
History – How and why? Original goals and guidelines: Loosely coupled map functionality GIS for webeditors Easy administration Multible looks Context specific information Open source sorftware Later added: Loosely coupled search functionallity search results webGIS Community The future: Mobility Mastedatabasen
Front end Functionality and data Tab Map List Navigation and zoom Scale Theme Overview
How does it work? The URL-configurator
How is it administrated? Web-administration
A couple og examples Existing and planned antennas ShowMap with google maps Region in Denmark
More examples Hørsholm Municipality Drawing
The core was build on open source VisKort VisStedetGeoserver Openlayers The Core
The core Core
Development Organisation 1 Core
Development Organisation 1 Organisation 2 Core
Development Core
Development Core
Development Core
Development As a service
Requirements and vendors «Requirement X.X: … and secure that the system efterwards can be maintained and developed upon by other suppliers …" ” Requirement X.Y: … The code must be transfered to the client …" " Requirement X.Z: … can be used freely by other public and private agencies and vendors
Open source – What do we hope to gain? - Based on existing solutions - Transparency - More competition, potentially - More with less - OOS-projects leads to standardization
Ownership - Take ownership of development - Give back to the community - Ask for OSS as a customer
Open source – What do we hope to gain? - Based on existing solutions - Transparency - Potentially more competition - More with less - OOS-projects leads to standardization
Community building
- the public software exchange
Community - status 57 members 20 organizations 3 meetings To releases: Code merge Statstidende => Members Activity 3-4 suppliers
Community Core maintained by community Expansions, individual organizations Generalization – core expansion
The future Two releases a year 2-4 meetings Common public component? Activity on the web Mobility?
About me A part of the danish Ubuntu community for, like, ever Geographer Works with GIS in the Ringsted Municipal Administration
First impressions Positive Open Source (Yay!) Community based (Woo!!) People behind seem to 'get' community. Not so positive Hard to find information Seemingly non- active/responsive forum No technical support forum to speak of.
Hard to find information Documents on A project description A list of contributors Scribbled notes from two meetings
Hard to find information (2) Documents on wiki Adminstrator documentation (setup) Developer documentation (coding standards) Promises, promises, promises: What is ShowMap? Guide for new contributors Roadmap (outdated)
Non-active/responsive forum Forum on 10 threads since december of them has no responses
No technical support forum Way of support: Through your supplier Which is fine for your company's installation. But not for testing and/or private purposes
Various whining Runs only on Windows (.NET) No ”Installation for Dummies”-guide (ie. targetted at ME).
Recommendations An introduction to where to find resources and how to interact with the community in general. Basic installation guide Encouraging use of the forum ”Open Sourcing” the technical support from the suppliers
If you want to know more The community on Digitalisé VisKort documentation (wiki): Demo: Source code:
Niels Kjøller Hansen / Morten Kristoffer Hansen Mortens digst mail Rasmus Espholm Contact: