You’re just a sip away! Cool Beans Coffee Roasters
Location: I am located at the Stone River mall in Murfreesboro Tn. This mall sees a large number of people everyday, so my coffee shop will also see a great deal of customers. I chose this place because here all types of people come to visit and it is generally known as a busy place. My hours would be from 7:00 am – 9:00pm
Week 1: Starting off, you only have $30.00 to spend on coffee, sugar, milk, and cups. A person with no experience in this game would easily click random things and start the day without thinking twice. This day is critical because a serious mistake in the beginning ruins your whole day. You start by creating your recipe and buying however much supplies you think you are going to need. Then you set a price.
Results: On this particular week I did not choose carefully in the beginning, but I still saw a profit of $ after 14 days. These flaws would easily be fixed the next time I opened for business. The weather played a large role in my failures along with not knowing how much to actually buy.
Week 2: This week was cut short due to a pep rally. There was only room enough to complete 9 days out of my week. I saw $ in profit which initially hurt my overall revenue. If continued I would have seen about the same amount of profit as I did in week 1. Even though the week was shortened, I still received some good reviews from customers about my product.
Week 3: Week three is when I finally figured out some good strategy to the Cool Beans Coffee Shop. My recipe had used the most of every product given so the customers in turn were getting more bang for their buck. The first days of the week customers still familiarize themselves with your product. I buy only enough for a certain amount of cups and then increase that amount as my reputation increases.
Strategy: This process was not that hard to figure out, it took a minute for it to actually pop in my head. Math: Math actually played a huge role in the game, hence the name of the website. If I only expected about twenty customers on a cold day I would only by for 20 cups. 80 tsp coffee / 4tsp coffee pc = 20 Cups 40 tsp milk / 2 tsp milk pc = 20 cups This process actually helped me save a lot of money I was normally wasting.
Week 5 My last week served to be the most lucrative. I made a large improvement from the first week to the final week of business. Once I understood and adjusted my mistakes, it wasn’t as hard to make money instead of lose it. Of course, like any other week, the weather was one of the main causes of profit loss. To balance the weather and profit I had to lower the price of my coffee.
Strengths: Weaknesses: Overall my business proved to be successful. My strengths included my supplies strategy. The recipe was generally well liked by my customers. Being able to have a general idea of how many customers I could expect to see in a days time helped me out in the long run. Of course, there were a few things that hindered my progress. The weather had to be the most destructive for my business. If the weather was too hot almost no one was willing to buy any coffee. Also, I had forgotten a few times to stock up on cups which in turn made me lose money.
Looking Forward: Looking into the future, If I was to expand this business I would open more Cool Beans Coffee shops and add products. Some shops would be placed in familiar cities and stores where they Could plenty of customers. I would also promote my business through the media via TV, Internet, and the radio. One of my main competitors would be Starbucks since they are well known and offer a variety of products.